On 18/02/13 20:21, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
2013/2/18 Eleytherios Stamatogiannakis <estama@gmail.com <mailto:estama@gmail.com>>
We have found another (very simple) madIS query where PyPy is around 250x slower that CPython:
CPython: 314msec PyPy: 1min 16sec
The query if you would like to test it yourself is the following:
select count(*) from (file 'some_big_text_file.txt' limit 100000);
Are you really running with mpsw.py? For me, the C (=cpyext based) version of apsw works (slowly), but mpsw gives me:
From callback <function xOpen at 0x0000000005575ad8>: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amauryfa/python/madis/apsw.py", line 924, in xOpen self._vtcursorcolumn.append(instance.Column) AttributeError: Cursor instance has no attribute 'Column'
Most probably you are using the ZIP distribution of madIS, which doesn't contain the changes for MSPW. For MSPW to work, you'll need the head version of madIS from Hg. Clone it with: hg clone https://code.google.com/p/madis/ l.