Hi everyone, I am developing a new image blit system for Pygame 2.0 - the SDL2 edition. A blitter prototype project is maintained at https://bitbucket.org/llindstrom/blitter. The prototype implements a blit loop JIT; Pixel format specific blit code is generated dynamically as needed. The prototype is written in RPython as an interpreter for executing array copies. The JIT comes automatically from the RPython tool chain, of course. The prototype blitter is built as a stand-alone shared library with flags -Ojit --gcrootfinder=shadowstack. It has no Python dependencies. There are two entrypoint C functions, both decorated with rpython.rlib.entrypoint.entrypoint. Python side code uses CFFI to access the library. The library is initialized with a single call to rpython_startup_code at load time. The blitter library is meant to be an embedded interpreter, with initialize, configure, and execute functions. So my question, does the RPython tool chained explicitly support embedded interpreters? I ask because I have only seen secondary entry points used as callbacks into an interpreter (PyPy's cpyext interface). So I wish to confirm that the lifetime of an RPython global namespace, the JIT caches, and the garbage collector are that of the loaded library, and not just that of an entry point function call. Thanks in advance, Lenard Lindstrom