Hi Terry, [Terry Reedy Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 03:06:19PM -0400]
Accessing the PyPy list via gmane, I have not seen anything for at least a couple of weeks. Is this a reflection of true dormancy? (If so, I will presume it is just temporary.)
Indeed, the last pypy-dev mails are from end of August as far as i see. There have been some commits and off-list communication going on, though. Also, we had some discussions on our pypy-funding list regarding EU funding. It seems possible now that PyPy will get funded starting from 1st of November which would clearly allow many of us to work more on pypy. However, Armin has been making quite some progress on a direct C-backend (not based on our Pyrex-approach) lately which reflects on the pypy-svn list. I am sure he is happy to answer questions or talk about the state of how this is going if someone asks him. Hum, hey Armin, what is the current state of the C backend? :-) Moreover, it's not unlikely that the next PyPy sprint will take place in Vilnius, Lithunia, with the help of the POV ("Programmers of Vilnius") people. The projected date is around 15th of November till 21st of November 2004. Btw, we are always very interested in places and possibilities to do coding sprints (not neccessarily in Europe!). Most of the current code base has been developed in sprints so far and it's fun events where one learns a lot. When all goes well i hope that we will have monthly update reports and I guess the key point will be to really put out releases for people to play with. cheers, holger