Hello All, I am trying to translate and compile pypy using Visual Studio 2010 to Win64a and I am getting the following issue with ssl. [translation:WARNING] The module '_ssl' is disabled [translation:WARNING] because importing pypy.module._ssl.interp_ssl raised CompilationError [translation:WARNING] <CompilationError err='platcheck_42.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SSLeay_version referenced in function _dump_section_SSL ...\flatline\\appdata\\local\\temp\\usession-default-55\\platcheck_42.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals\n'> After that the translation operation stops and the debugger kicks in. The strange part is that when I execute cl/link from a command prompt the file is compiled and linked without issues. I've compiled OpenSSL with 64bit support removing bufferoverflowu.lib which is not needed in vs2010. Regards Tasos