Le mardi 23 mars 2010 22:46:50, Søren Laursen a écrit :
The project I am working with Minimum Intrusion Grid : MiG ( http://sites.google.com/site/minimumintrusiongrid/) are looking into using pypy.
I would like to use it for sandboxing user code in MiG, more specific allow the users to develop their own “scheduler” .
The MiG, it self is written in Python so we might even be able to run it on pypy. But right now it is the sandboxing that I am working with.
FYI I wrote a new sandbox project for CPython: http://github.com/haypo/pysandbox/ It's currently very specific to CPython: it uses evil tricks to create a read only view of the __builtins__ super global dictionary. It's completly different to the PyPy sandbox: if you escape from the sandbox, you get a full access to all Python functions. A long description: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-February/097701.html -- Victor Stinner http://www.haypocalc.com/