On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 01:17:31AM +0100, holger krekel wrote:
i tested your code with the Python-2.2.2 test_builtin.py (found in Python-2.2.2/Lib/test, has some dependencies).
1) your code does not import cleanly (some typos here and there)
2) the tests fail right at 'abs', the first builtin because you don't throw a TypeError if the argument is not a number.
I take it that you didn't seriously intend your code to be used as is.
<sarcasm>Them thar's fightin' words, pardner</sarcasm>
Nevertheless, it would be nice to have a python implementation of the builtin module that passes its CPython's tests. Also the docstrings should be copied from Python-2.3. This can be done automatically by writing a script and iterating over vars(__import__('__builtin__')) and using the inspect module. I hopefully can do this soon and check it into the upcoming repository. Or somebody else does it before me.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it. I just wanted to get a rough sketch out first
Note, that you cannot automize extraction of signatures of the builtin callables in all cases. C-implemented builtins don't have signature-introspection methods but often have a conventional (and quite parseable) description in the first line of the docstring, e.g.
>>> print abs.__doc__ abs(number) -> number
Or you do what I do and copy and paste them.
more cheers, -Scott -- char m[9999],*n[99],*r=m,*p=m+5000,**s=n,d,c;main(){for(read(0,r,4000);c=*r; r++)c-']'||(d>1||(r=*p?*s:(--s,r)),!d||d--),c-'['||d++||(*++s=r),d||(*p+=c== '+',*p-=c=='-',p+=c=='>',p-=c=='<',c-'.'||write(1,p,1),c-','||read(2,p,1));}