I've reproduced the performance on the latest default (on OS X, FWIW). I'm starting to profile now.


PS: Your namedtuple usage is fine.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Robert Grosse <n210241048576@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, while working on some MDP code, I discovered that it was several times as slow under Pypy as CPython. Attached is a benchmark demonstrating this.

On my computer, the benchmark takes 70.3 seconds under CPython 2.7.3 64bit, but it takes 273.6 seconds under pypy-c-jit-71056-c8e3b8cbc843-win32, the latest version I could find.

The code is not at all optimized, but I still found it strange that Pypy did so much worse. The code doesn't seem that complex, but perhaps the usage of nameduples is triggering pathological behavior from the JIT's point of view.

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