Hello, On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:02 AM, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <amauryfa@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/2/2 Laura Creighton <lac@openend.se>:
running the test suite of this package might be useful.
Some user already tried it one year ago, this even triggered two bugs in the early version of the JIT: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2010q1/005722.html
Indeed (that user was me, and it was nice to see the problem fixed so quickly!). There is one incompatibility left between CPython and PyPy that breaks some functions in mpmath. In CPython, round() and functions in the math module accept (and convert) inputs of any custom type with a __float__ method, whereas they trigger a TypeError in PyPy (1.4).
I don't remember how fast is was, though.
On win32, PyPy 1.4 is about 40% slower than CPython 2.6 for running the entire set of tests. This is probably mostly due to the slowness of longs in PyPy. However, much of the regular floating point code seems to be slower in PyPy as well. Fredrik