
my question is simple. It strikes me why you don't have more financial support, since PyPy might save quite a lot of resources compared to CPython. When we witness that e.g. microsoft is able to donate $100k to Jupyter (https://ipython.org/microsoft-donation-2013.html), why PyPy, being even more generic then Jupyter, has problem to raise few tenths of thousands. 

I can find few mentions about this on the internet, but no serious article or summary is out there.

Have you tried any of the following?

1. Trying to get some funding from big companies and organizations such as Google, Microsoft, RedHat or some other like Free Software Foundation? If not, why not?
2. Crowd founding websites such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo get quite a big attention nowadays even for similar projects. There were successful campaigns for projects with even smaller target group, such as designers (https://krita.org/) or video editors (openshot 2). Why haven't you created a campaign there? Micropython, again, with much smaller target group of users had got funded as well. 

Is someone working on this subject? Or is there a general lack of man power in PyPy's team? Couldn't be someone hired from money already collected? 

Thanks for an answer,