
I have been following  the pypy project for over a year. And I have been playing around with it for some time.


The project I am working with Minimum Intrusion Grid : MiG (http://sites.google.com/site/minimumintrusiongrid/) are looking into using pypy.


I would like to use it for sandboxing user code in MiG, more specific allow the users to develop their own “scheduler” .


The MiG, it self is written in Python so we might even be able to run it on pypy.  But right now it is the sandboxing that I am working with.


For me it is a bit unclear in the documentation/website, but for that I read into “An attacker that tries to escape the sandbox is stuck within a C program that contains no external function calls at all except for writing to stdout and reading from stdin.” means that I have to write functions that emulates file read/write operations.


I have tried different things using the pypy_interact.py (just love the –timeout parameter J), looked at code but have not been able to read files or write files using the pypy_interact.py.


What have I missed?



Søren Laursen