Hi Folks:

I recently gave a rather hastily prepared talk at Montreal Python called "How to Solve a Problem like Santa Claus: Prototyping Join Patterns with stackless.py for Stackless Python." One can get the slides at 


more information is on my blog. http://andrewfr.wordpress.com

once again, I demonstrate how stackless.py can be used to prototype concurrency features for Stackless Python. This time the feature is join patterns. I feel I have come up with a good compromise for implementing this powerful concurrency construct without breaking the Stackless Python API (however channel.balance does become unnecessary). More important though, is during the development, I started to come across several powerful high level and low level concurrency concepts that I think would benefit a future Stackless Python.

What particularly pleases me is that we have gone, in little over a year, from a Stackless with no select (a common slight of Stackless Python in the Go Mailing list) to a Stackless version that can handily express stuff that would be rather verbose in Go. And I am the first to attempt that I have a half-baked knowledge of the underlying models for Stackless, greenlets, and now continuelets (I need to shore up my knowledge in these areas). All this would not have been possible without PyPy's stackless.py module.

stackless.py rocks!

In the weeks to come, I am going to finish off the current prototype, write more documentation, write more tests (just to make sure that I am out of the woods) and examples,  build a version that works with continuelets and post everything the Stackless Repository. If folks can accept something more raw and in progress, I would be happy to post the code in a bitbucket account. As was posted out by Richard and Christian in previous posts, the API is a particularly weak area.

Anyhow, I would greatly appreciate feedback. Feedback helps the prototyping effects!
