Feb. 18, 2013
6:21 p.m.
2013/2/18 Eleytherios Stamatogiannakis <estama@gmail.com>
We have found another (very simple) madIS query where PyPy is around 250x slower that CPython:
CPython: 314msec PyPy: 1min 16sec
The query if you would like to test it yourself is the following:
select count(*) from (file 'some_big_text_file.txt' limit 100000);
Are you really running with mpsw.py? For me, the C (=cpyext based) version of apsw works (slowly), but mpsw gives me:
From callback <function xOpen at 0x0000000005575ad8>: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amauryfa/python/madis/apsw.py", line 924, in xOpen self._vtcursorcolumn.append(instance.Column) AttributeError: Cursor instance has no attribute 'Column'
-- Amaury Forgeot d'Arc