Sounds like a good idea. Since this is similar to what is done with cffi, I have a few questions: How do you make sure that the pure Python part remains compatible with the backend? Can we include the pure Python part in PyPy, in the way as it's done for cffi? On 2017-07-18 23:33, wlavrijsen@lbl.gov wrote:
any objections to renaming cppyy into _cppyy?
I want to be able to do a straight 'pip install cppyy' and then use it w/o further gymnastics (this works today for CPython), but then I can't have 'cppyy' be a built-in module.
(You can pip install PyPy-cppyy-backend, but then you'd still have to deal with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and certain cppyy features are PyPy version dependent even as they need not be as they are pure Python.)
The pip-installed cppyy will still use the built-in _cppyy for the PyPy specific parts (low-level manipulations etc.).
I'm also moving the cppyy documentation out of the pypy documentation and placing it on its own (http://cppyy.readthedocs.io/), given that the CPython side of things now works, too.
Yes, no, conditional?
Thanks, Wim