To do this: 

> On Dec 9, 2016, at 9:34 AM, Shubha Ramani via pypy-dev <> wrote:

> Armin you articulated exactly what I want. Please tell me the right place to look then ?

> Shubha 

> Sent from Shubha Ramani's iPhone 7

>> On Dec 9, 2016, at 8:29 AM, Armin Rigo <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 9 December 2016 at 15:55, Shubha Ramani via pypy-dev
>> <> wrote:
>>> I am no longer confused about that.
>> I think the rest of your mail shows there is still confusion.
>>> But so far, in order to be able to dump
>>> jitcodes, I have to instrument python code with
>>> "JitDriver", "merge_point", "meta_interp", etc...under the test directory -
>> Maybe you should start again by describing in detail what you want to
>> do, from the start.
>> Let me take a wild guess, completely unrelated to the questions you're
>> asking.  Maybe
>> your goal is to run a "pypy" binary, which JITs some parts of the user
>> Python code.
>> What you want then is to map the raw machine code emitted in memory,
>> back to Python-
>> level information.  For example, from an IP, you want an answer like
>> "this 'add' instruction
>> comes from JIT-compiling through this Python function, precisely here
>> [Python bytecode of a CALL], with the call inlined, and running this
>> other Python
>> function, precisely here [Python bytecode of a BINARY_ADD].
>> If that's anywhere close to what you're looking for, then you are
>> looking at the wrong place.
>> A bientôt,
>> Armin.

Sent from Shubha Ramani's iPhone 7