Hi Armin,

Unfortunately, I'll be on holiday the week of the Swiss Python Summit.

I would like to come to Leysin again. The week 6.2-11.2 should work for me, but it's quite soon. After the 20th of February I'm generally open. But since it would be during the semester, I may not stay for a whole week.


On Sun, 15 Jan 2017 at 09:43 Armin Rigo <armin.rigo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm starting to organize the Leysin sprint for this winter.

The first note is that the Swiss Python Summit will take place on Feb
17th near Zurich (http://www.python-summit.ch/).  I'll give a talk
about RevDB, the reverse debugger.

One option would be to add a few days of sprint at or near the
conference location.  That may be a way to attract more people.  The
other option would be a regular sprint in Leysin.  For that case, the
dates are still completely open.  (It snowed a lot!)

Anyone that thinks about coming, please tell me your preferences and dates!

A bientôt,

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