On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche@pobox.com> wrote:
Janzert Sun, 31 Jul 2011 16:18:32 -0400
The issue with permissions is supposed to already be fixed in trunk
so the next release should resolve that problem for system wide installs.
By "next release," do you mean 1.6? (BTW, to show bona fides, and since it needed done, I updated
to include 1.5, recycling material from the blog.) For when is that planned?
Tom Roche Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:44:55 -0400
It Would Be Nice for new adopters if the download page documented [install details], esp if intentional.
Maciej Fijalkowski Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:47:16 +0200
Cool, feel like providing a patch?
Tom Roche Sun, 31 Jul 2011 16:03:12 -0400
To the build or the doc?
Maciej Fijalkowski Sun, 31 Jul 2011 22:06:36 +0200
To the doc.
have youse thought about a wiki, or other vehicle for user-contributed doc?
We have a [public] wiki on bitbucket (apparently underused)
not to mention underexposed: I had no idea it was there. (pypy.org links to readthedocs, but that's a private wiki? So you have pypy.org, the blog, readthedocs, the bitbucket wiki, ... lot to manage.) But now I see
I could put something in there, and you could point to that?
I guess this wiki is a bit half-hearted. Ideally we would like a diff from pypy.org download page to what you want to put info there. pypy.org source is on bitbucket (in pypy/pypy.org).