Hey all, Sorry to keep asking questions on the mailing list, but I've been doing my semester research project on PyPy, and my deadline is beginning to loom... I have a question concerning what I think is a conflict between the RPython coding guide and the 2005 EU paper. The paper states: Our approach goes further and analyses live programs in memory: the program is allowed to contain fully dynamic sections, as long as these sections are entered a bounded num- ber of times. For example, the source code of the PyPy interpreter, which is itself written in this bounded-dynamism style, makes extensive use of the fact that it is possible to build new classes at any point in time -- not just during an initialisation phase -- as long as the number of new classes is bounded. For example, interpreter/gateway.py builds a custom wrapper class corresponding to each function that a particular variable can reference. There is a finite num- ber of functions in total, so this can only create a finite number of extra wrapper classes. While the coding guide says: definitions run-time definition of classes or functions is not allowed. I'm I understood the paper correctly, any piece of code can create zero or one class, but not infinity. However, this doesn't seem to jive with what the coding guide says. Alex