Someone tried getting f2py working on pypy a while ago, a quick search turned up and a fork of code at Perhaps that could be a starting point? Matti On 8/08/2012 8:05 PM, David Cournapeau wrote:
I know there is no current plan to implement scipy in pypy, but searching the PyPy website, I was not able to find the reason.
If it is not to be included as a feature due to lack of interest or developer time, I am offering to begin rewriting scipy in pure python (I have quite a bit of free time to do this). Pretty much everything in scipy depends on some fortran libraries (scipy.linalg), so the first step would be to have some system that allow you to automatically wrap fortran through cffi. It is quite a
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Steven Jackson <> wrote: pain because of fortran/C ABI issues, but you could focus on one platform only at first.
David _______________________________________________ pypy-dev mailing list