Thank you for your responses; I'm pretty sure I can do quicksort, mergesort, and heapsort. :)
Also, I did see responses starting in the minute after I decided to send an email, so I think I'm good on the IRC front.

Am I right in assuming that I should checkout "default," make my own branch, write failing test cases, make the test cases succeed (occasionally merging in default) and then... actually i don't know what then. Commit? Pull request? I've never worked on a large project under version control and "Getting Started Developing with Pypy" "How to contribute to Pypy" and "You want to help with Pypy, now what?" all seem to assume prior knowledge about version control in general. Can anyone point me to a resource that can help me understand the development cycle?

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Matti Picus <> wrote:

On 21/01/2015 2:57 AM, Steven Jackson wrote:

Hey I'd like to know if the proposed numpy projects list at is still up to date, and if so what is meant by "a good sort function."
If it's just a matter of implementing a known good algorithm, that seems like a good way to start contributing to pypy.

The advice on suggested posting this question to #pypy on IRC, which I attempted to do through but I never got a response. It was my first time trying to communicate over IRC, so I'm not sure if I did something incorrectly while trying to join the channel (I saw buildbot messages but no one else speaking) or if the lack of activity was simply due to time difference (I'm on USA east coast time, while I'm aware that much of the pypy-dev community is located in Europe).

Any help with either the original question or joining the IRC discussion would be greatly appreciated :)

Steven Jackson


The list is not really up to date, IRC is a good place to get more info but it is a low-activity channel with most devs online during European day-evening, and not every day.
As for sort, we have implemented only timsort for ndarrays of numeric types, not record arrays. Numpy supports ‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, and ‘heapsort’, timsort is not supported. So to be numpy-compatible we should maybe support the other kinds, and support sorting record arrays.
It would be great to get more people involved in pypy-numpy.

Steven Jackson