Hi Hart, On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 11:04:48PM -0700, Hart's Antler wrote:
I had seen the blog post before by Carl Friedrich Bolz about JIT'ing and that he was able to speed things up 22x faster than plain RPython translated to C, so that got me curious about the JIT.
You cannot expect any program to get 22x faster with RPython+JIT than it is with just RPython. That would be like saying that any C program can get 22x faster if we apply some special JIT on it. For a general C program, such a statement makes no sense -- no JIT can help. The PyPy JIT can help *only* if the RPython program in question is some kind of interpreter, with a loose definition of interpreter. That's why we can apply the PyPy JIT to the Python interpreter written in RPython; or to some other examples, like Carl Friedrich's blog post about the regular expressions "interpreter". A bientot, Armin.