Hi Folks: I've been lurking on pypy-dev since the original announcement, and I'd like to help out in some way. I'm not a compiler writer, nor a C coder, but I think I can write a summary for the list traffic once a week. I assume that simply volunteering is enough to be given this responsibility. Sometime Saturday, I'll summarize the traffic from the last three weeks and send them to the list and to c.l.p for group review. Comments? -troy

Hi Troy, [Troy Melhase Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 10:23:37AM -0900]
Hi Folks:
I've been lurking on pypy-dev since the original announcement, and I'd like to help out in some way. I'm not a compiler writer, nor a C coder, but I think I can write a summary for the list traffic once a week.
The "soft" factors for driving a project are often underestimated. That's why i like to do an infrastructure track on the upcoming sprint.
I assume that simply volunteering is enough to be given this responsibility. Sometime Saturday, I'll summarize the traffic from the last three weeks and send them to the list and to c.l.p for group review.
thanks a lot. I am looking forward to your summary. To make it easily usable it would be good to do it with reST (restructured text) for which you can find good information here: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/#restructuredtext reST is also used by Brett Canon for his nice Python-Dev summaries. I could then incorporate it and index/archive (automatically) on the upcoming web site. greetings, holger

Troy Melhase wrote:
Hi Folks:
I've been lurking on pypy-dev since the original announcement, and I'd like to help out in some way. I'm not a compiler writer, nor a C coder, but I think I can write a summary for the list traffic once a week.
I really much appreciate that, and I believe that everybody else will, too. This is for sure not easy, and a lot of work!
I assume that simply volunteering is enough to be given this responsibility. Sometime Saturday, I'll summarize the traffic from the last three weeks and send them to the list and to c.l.p for group review.
Can't do anything but to encourage you, and to wish you luck and stableness. Even re-reading everything thoroughly took be about three hours today. thanks a lot in advance -- chris

Hi Chris:
I really much appreciate that, and I believe that everybody else will, too. This is for sure not easy, and a lot of work!
Aye, after reading the posts to date, I think condensing the ideas correctly will take some thought. My only goals are to be succinct and unobtrusive, for the sole objective of helping in some small way.
Can't do anything but to encourage you, and to wish you luck and stableness. Even re-reading everything thoroughly took be about three hours today.
I, too, reread everything today. It gave me a renewed sense of excitement about this project. The goals are quite lofty, and I wish all of you the best success. However... It seems as if www.codespeak.net is unavailable -- at least to me. The result is that I cannot copy message URLs from the archive into the summary. I'll have to wait until I can reach the server again before I complete the first one. :( -troy

Troy Melhase wrote: ...
It seems as if www.codespeak.net is unavailable -- at least to me. The result is that I cannot copy message URLs from the archive into the summary. I'll have to wait until I can reach the server again before I complete the first one. :(
I will send you the complete archive in private email as a .zip archive. If you have Mozilla, it is easy for you to copy the file into your email folder and to restart Mozilla (this *is* necessary). If not, well, you have the "mailbox" package which is able to read the folder. cheers - chris

Hi, I unfortunately did not have time to volunteer to head the whole summary, as you did. However, it seems that it is one of those parallelizable tasks that might benefit from a few more hands. If you wish, I could summarize a one or two particular threads, and email them to you to be included in the overall summary. I think that if a few others might volunteer to write small summaries, then the overall load might be reduced, and a more comprehensive and helpful summary generated. Then again, if you just want to do it, go ahead! You have my gratitude. VanL Troy Melhase wrote:
Hi Folks:
I've been lurking on pypy-dev since the original announcement, and I'd like to help out in some way. I'm not a compiler writer, nor a C coder, but I think I can write a summary for the list traffic once a week.
I assume that simply volunteering is enough to be given this responsibility. Sometime Saturday, I'll summarize the traffic from the last three weeks and send them to the list and to c.l.p for group review.
_______________________________________________ pypy-dev@codespeak.net http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev

Hi VanL: This is a great idea and I whole-heartedly welcome any contributions from you and other list readers. There is a risk in this, however, and that risk is duplicated effort. If you intend on summarizing one or more threads, please send me a note as early in the week as possible. Thanks! :) -troy P.S. My posts to pypy-dev are bouncing, and I cannot reach the codespeak.net web server. Can you? On Monday 03 February 2003 08:17 am, VanL wrote:
I unfortunately did not have time to volunteer to head the whole summary, as you did. However, it seems that it is one of those parallelizable tasks that might benefit from a few more hands.
If you wish, I could summarize a one or two particular threads, and email them to you to be included in the overall summary. I think that if a few others might volunteer to write small summaries, then the overall load might be reduced, and a more comprehensive and helpful summary generated.
Then again, if you just want to do it, go ahead! You have my gratitude.

Troy Melhase wrote:
Hi VanL:
This is a great idea and I whole-heartedly welcome any contributions from you and other list readers.
There is a risk in this, however, and that risk is duplicated effort. If you intend on summarizing one or more threads, please send me a note as early in the week as possible.
You both, please get together, ASAP. I'm very happy that you are trying to get some structure into this bulk of thoughts, claims, recommendations abnd committments.
P.S. My posts to pypy-dev are bouncing, and I cannot reach the codespeak.net web server. Can you?
I believe it is stable now, after Holger and Jum fixed some hardware problems. Please, go ahead -- chris -- Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@tismer.com> Mission Impossible 5oftware : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Johannes-Niemeyer-Weg 9a : *Starship* http://starship.python.net/ 14109 Berlin : PGP key -> http://wwwkeys.pgp.net/ work +49 30 89 09 53 34 home +49 30 802 86 56 pager +49 173 24 18 776 PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today? http://www.stackless.com/
participants (4)
Christian Tismer
holger krekel
Troy Melhase