Hello everybody! Now we have it! Thanks to the DG 2 FIRM (http://www.dg2.de/) we have 2 rooms, each 25 sqm, in the centre of Berlin, Ackerstr. 3a (Mitte). There are many cafes there, a university cafeteria is about ten minutes walk from there. There is also a cheap, clean hotel close-by (about 16 euros per night). I'll post you more details this week. It is also possible, that we (Christian and I) find free accomodation by our friends. Holger, could we arrange a wiki-page, so that everybody, who is coming to the sprint, could post up, when he/she is arriving, what is the flight number, phone number (mobile)? Bye for today! Tomek

Hello everybody and hello Tomek, [Tomek Meka Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:26:53AM +0200]
Btw, the sprint is supposed to take place from 29th of September till 4th of October 2003 and it's always nice to arrive a day earlier (on a sunday) so we can start monday morning. Here is a wiki page where all participants can fill in their details or add themselves: http://codespeak.net/moin/pypy/moin.cgi/SprintAttendants I already filled in the names of the people who signaled me that they want to come (6 people so far). Besides we have our traditional pypy-sprint list where organisational details will be communicated. You can subscribe here if you are interested to participate in the Berlin Sprint: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-sprint By the end of this week, I will unsubscribe anybody from the sprint-mailing list until i get notice or see the name in the wiki-page. I suggest, that beginning of next week we make a wider announcement once Tomek and Christian have sorted out the details and we have more info on the website. As to what might be the themes of the sprint: integrating parser and compiler technology into pypy and translating PyPy into Pyrex or C. Plus lots of other tasks :-)
Bye for today! Tomek
cheers, holger

Hello everybody and hello Tomek, [Tomek Meka Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:26:53AM +0200]
Btw, the sprint is supposed to take place from 29th of September till 4th of October 2003 and it's always nice to arrive a day earlier (on a sunday) so we can start monday morning. Here is a wiki page where all participants can fill in their details or add themselves: http://codespeak.net/moin/pypy/moin.cgi/SprintAttendants I already filled in the names of the people who signaled me that they want to come (6 people so far). Besides we have our traditional pypy-sprint list where organisational details will be communicated. You can subscribe here if you are interested to participate in the Berlin Sprint: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-sprint By the end of this week, I will unsubscribe anybody from the sprint-mailing list until i get notice or see the name in the wiki-page. I suggest, that beginning of next week we make a wider announcement once Tomek and Christian have sorted out the details and we have more info on the website. As to what might be the themes of the sprint: integrating parser and compiler technology into pypy and translating PyPy into Pyrex or C. Plus lots of other tasks :-)
Bye for today! Tomek
cheers, holger
participants (2)
holger krekel
Tomek Meka