the next time we get frustrated with buildbot

Something Open Source that somebody says is better.... I'd never heard of it before ... Laura - ------- Forwarded Message Return-Path: Delivery-Date: Tue Mar 31 18:16:27 2009 Return-Path: <> From: Kumar McMillan <> To: Subject: Re: [TIP] Everybody wants a pony! X-BeenThere: On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:32 AM, C. Titus Brown <> wrote:
I hate to be "that guy;" I love Python, really I do, but what I love more is when a great open source tool with great documentation and a community of maintainers solves a problem better than any other tool. It makes the decision process easy. It's called Hudson: Yes, it is written in Java but Java is ubiquitous and Hudson is light years beyond Buildbot. Anyone (i.e. non-programmers) can configure builds and workflows very easily. If not obvious from the documentation, you can build and test anything, it doesn't have to be Java. At Leapfrog we have converted all of our Python and Ruby buildbots to Hudson (oh did I say that out loud?) and have never been happier or more efficient in how we do continuous integration. You don't need anything special in your tests to use Hudson but you get some extra details (that buildbot never provided) if you use xunit style test output. There are several nose plugins for this like Nosexunit -- the androgynous plugin. Example: nosetests --with-nosexunit Titus, if you *must* spend your precious spare time (your hourly rate is what now? priceless?) on this then at the very least make a Python clone of Hudson :) But seriously, give it a fair try and I think you'll like it. It has a plugin system too. I assume one could write plugins using Jython even.
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Hudson works very well for Jython, so I'd certainly recommend it. Our version of regrtest has some minor modifications to support JUnit XML, see there, test.test_support, and test.junit_xml for this code. In particular, by breaking out our test cases we can more readily observe a change in time of a specific failing case, so it's quite useful. You can see it in action here: On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Laura Creighton <> wrote:
-- Jim Baker

Hudson works very well for Jython, so I'd certainly recommend it. Our version of regrtest has some minor modifications to support JUnit XML, see there, test.test_support, and test.junit_xml for this code. In particular, by breaking out our test cases we can more readily observe a change in time of a specific failing case, so it's quite useful. You can see it in action here: On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Laura Creighton <> wrote:
-- Jim Baker
participants (2)
Jim Baker
Laura Creighton