Help with a revamped web site

In the nikola branch of I reworked the website content and layout reusing the work from I would like to deploy it soon, as I think it is an improvement. You can try it out by checking out the branch, then running "make auto" which will - build a virtualenv - pip install nikola and other packages into the virtualenv - convert the rst sources into html in teh public directory - start a server on (be careful if you don't want to open a socket to the world, use "make build", then run "venv_nikola/bin/nikola serve") - connect with a browser: try your computer, tablet, or phone Comments, criticisms, and especially pull requests are welcome. I am not a front-end designer. Still to do: - import the blog to move away from and self-host static pages - import the comments too Matti P.S. I have also started making the benchmarks run at work on python3. Help there is welcome as well.

Hi Matti, thanks so much for working on this! I think it's almost better than the current home page, but needs to get a few tweaks to get there (we really should think about the content at some point too, but I'd leave that as a separate issue for now). One of the things that irritated me (but I really don't know any CSS to fix it, usefully) is that the top menu is for some reason quite badly aligned (see attachment). The baseline of all the menu items should be aligned, and of the logo too. Same for the footer, but it's less noticeable there. Sorry for not really being able to achieve this :-(. Cheers, Carl Friedrich On 07.01.20 22:30, Matti Picus wrote:

Hi Matti, thanks so much for working on this! I think it's almost better than the current home page, but needs to get a few tweaks to get there (we really should think about the content at some point too, but I'd leave that as a separate issue for now). One of the things that irritated me (but I really don't know any CSS to fix it, usefully) is that the top menu is for some reason quite badly aligned (see attachment). The baseline of all the menu items should be aligned, and of the logo too. Same for the footer, but it's less noticeable there. Sorry for not really being able to achieve this :-(. Cheers, Carl Friedrich On 07.01.20 22:30, Matti Picus wrote:
participants (2)
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick
Matti Picus