CfP: ICOOOLPS'22: 17th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems

Call for Contributions The ICOOOLPS workshop series brings together researchers and practitioners working in the field of language implementation and optimization (even beyond the historical OO background of the workshop). The goal of the workshop is to discuss emerging problems and research directions, as well as new solutions and techniques. We hope to provide a space for participation and discussion and in particular to discuss your work in progress. That’s why we’ll have two additional submission categories for position papers and talks. We also accept talk proposals for papers that have appeared at some other past conference, but didn't receive much discussion there due to the conference being cancelled or virtual because of Covid. A non-exclusive list of topics of interest for this workshop is: - Implementation and optimization of fundamental languages features (from automatic memory management to metaprogramming) - Runtime systems technology (libraries, virtual machines) - Static, adaptive, and speculative optimizations and compiler techniques - Meta-compilation techniques and language-agnostic approaches for the efficient implementation of languages - Compilers (intermediate representations, offline and online optimizations,…) - Empirical studies on language usage, benchmark design, and benchmarking methodology - Resource-sensitive systems (real-time, low power, mobile, cloud) - Studies on design choices and tradeoffs (dynamic vs. static compilation, heuristics vs. programmer input,…) - Tooling support, debuggability and observability of languages as well as their implementations Workshop Format The workshop welcomes the presentation and discussion of new ideas and emerging problems. We aim to provide an environment to present and discuss your work at different stages of maturity. Therefore we provide three submission categories: 1. Full papers (up to 12 pages), which will be included in the proceedings; 2. Position papers (up to 4 pages), for work in progress, ideas in early stages; 3. Talks, Demos. Please note that option (1) features a different submission deadline than the rest and will include a short rebuttal period, in which authors will be able to answer reviewers comments. Submission To submit a paper please use the official “ACM Master article template”, which can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template pages. ICOOOLPS features a light-weight double-blind review process. Authors should omit their names in the submission. Use the sigconf option as well as review and anonymous, i.e., place the following at the start of the latex document: \documentclass[sigconf,review,anonymous]{acmart}. Dates Thu 24 Mar 2022, Submissions (Full Papers) Thu 21 Apr 2022, Submission Talks, Demos, Position Papers Sat 23 - Fri 29 Apr 2022, Rebuttal Period Fri 6 May 2022, Notification Mon/Tue 6-7 June 2022, Workshop
participants (1)
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick