Hi, I also planning to attend EuroPython and my advisor (of the thesis) had the idea to present the vectorization optimization. Here is my draft: http://docdro.id/yonu (or in attachment). I hopefully you like it. I'm happy to get any feedback! Of course I'm not a core PyPy developer (and I hope my abstract does not give the impression that I am), but it might still be cool to draw some attention of something 'new' in the RPython toolchain? Best, Richard PS.: I'm up to now only get the digest of the mailing list, thus I don't know how to repsond to the original message.

Le 28/04/15 11:12, Richard Plangger a écrit :
Good idea! This looks good to me. I think it's clearly an advanced talk, rather than an intermediate one, though. Also, the abstract feels a bit packed for a 20 minute talk, maybe you could focus more on concrete benefits for PyPy users (i.e some loops will magically become faster) and less on general compiler theory considerations. Cheers, Ronan

Le 28/04/15 11:12, Richard Plangger a écrit :
Good idea! This looks good to me. I think it's clearly an advanced talk, rather than an intermediate one, though. Also, the abstract feels a bit packed for a 20 minute talk, maybe you could focus more on concrete benefits for PyPy users (i.e some loops will magically become faster) and less on general compiler theory considerations. Cheers, Ronan
participants (2)
Richard Plangger
Ronan Lamy