Zope2-RPython implementation help wanted..

I have taken the gsoc 08 project of porting zope2 to python2.5. Through my way to the successful completetion of the project I have to implement Restricted python in Zope2. Chris Withers, consultant of simplistix have volunteered to give guidance and help in the RPython implementation I was also suggested by him to engage with the PyPy guys on their mailing list. and work with their guidance to re-implement RestrictedPython in a way that doesn't use AST hacks. Being a student I am not much familiar with the RPython yet need some help to get the RPython implementaion started.. How can I get started with the RPython implementation..

Hello Ranjith, names are confusing here. PyPy's "RPython" is something else than Zope2's Restricted PYthon. I guess Chris Withers was refering to the two lightning talks that he and then Armin/Maciej gave at EuroPython 2008 both carrying "Restricted Python" in their title. For the future, I suggest to avoid the "R" term and rather talk about _sandboxing_ Python code which is what both talks/concepts were about. Indeed, PyPy provides a robust way of sandboxing its Python Interpreter, see http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/sandbox.html I am not sure how well this fits in your "porting zope2 to python2.5" project - but to me it looks like a good idea to go for using pypy-sandbox in the future instead of trying to get Zope2's "RestrictedPython" secure and ported to 2.5. cheers, holger On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:38 +0530, ranjith kannikara wrote:
-- collaborative expert contracting: http://merlinux.eu PyPy Python/Compiler tool chain: http://codespeak.net/pypy pylib py.test/greenlets/svn APIs: http://pylib.org

Hello Ranjith, names are confusing here. PyPy's "RPython" is something else than Zope2's Restricted PYthon. I guess Chris Withers was refering to the two lightning talks that he and then Armin/Maciej gave at EuroPython 2008 both carrying "Restricted Python" in their title. For the future, I suggest to avoid the "R" term and rather talk about _sandboxing_ Python code which is what both talks/concepts were about. Indeed, PyPy provides a robust way of sandboxing its Python Interpreter, see http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/sandbox.html I am not sure how well this fits in your "porting zope2 to python2.5" project - but to me it looks like a good idea to go for using pypy-sandbox in the future instead of trying to get Zope2's "RestrictedPython" secure and ported to 2.5. cheers, holger On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:38 +0530, ranjith kannikara wrote:
-- collaborative expert contracting: http://merlinux.eu PyPy Python/Compiler tool chain: http://codespeak.net/pypy pylib py.test/greenlets/svn APIs: http://pylib.org
participants (2)
holger krekel
ranjith kannikara