[Fwd: CfP: Bytecode05, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 9, 2005]

Call for Papers Bytecode05 The first Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation April 9, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland (co-located with ETAPS'05) www.sci.univr.it/~spoto/Bytecode05 - Aims and Scope of the Workshop: Bytecode, such as produced by e.g. Java and .NET compilers, has become a topic of interest, both for industry and academia. The industrial interest mainly stems from the fact that bytecode is typically used in critical environments, such as the Internet and smart cards. Moreover, an important characteristic for bytecode is that it is device-independent and allows dynamic loading of classes. For researchers that wish to apply formal methods to bytecode, this dynamic nature of bytecode provides an extra challenge. In addition, also the unstructuredness of the code and the pervasive presence of the stack provide extra challenges for the analysis of bytecode. This workshop will focus on the latest developments in the semantics, verification, analysis and transformation of bytecode. Both new theoretical results and tool demonstrations are welcome. - Program Committee: * Frederic Besson, IRISA, France * Etienne Gagnon, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada * Marieke Huisman, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France * Fausto Spoto, Universita di Verona, Italy (chair) * Don Syme, Microsoft Research, UK - Invited Speaker: * Xavier Leroy, INRIA Rocquencourt & Trusted Logic, France - Important Dates: * December 19, 2004: Paper submissions * January 16, 2005: Notifications to authors * January 30, 2005: Camera-ready * April 9, 2005: Workshop - Paper Submissions: Submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee for inclusion in the proceedings, which will be available at the time of the workshop. Papers should be no longer than 15 pages. They must contain original contributions, be written in English and be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. They should be submitted electronically, preferably as postscript or PDF files, to fausto.spoto@univr.it providing also a text-only abstract, and detailed contact information of the corresponding author. Proceedings are intended to be published in the ENTCS series (information for authors can be found at www1.elsevier.com/gej-ng/31/29/23/show/Products/notes/ENTCS/guide.htt). Thus, adhering to that style already in the submission phase is strongly encouraged. - Venue: The workshop will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, and co-located with ETAPS'05. _________________________________________________________________________________ mozart-users mailing list mozart-users@ps.uni-sb.de http://www.mozart-oz.org/mailman/listinfo/mozart-users You are invited to The 2nd International Mozart/Oz Conference (MOZ 2004) Charleroi, Belgium, Oct. 7-8, 2004 http://www.cetic.be/moz2004
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