Any core devs want to come to the python compilers workshop next month?
Hi all, This is super short notice but... you may be aware that I'm organizing a workshop next month (July 11-12) in Austin, for some of the different Python compiler projects to get together and compare notes on how best to achieve world domination... or at least make the Python ecosystem more friendly to non-CPython implementations: Originally Maciej and Matti were going to represent PyPy, but unfortunately Maciej had to cancel. Matti will still be there, so that's awesome, but I find myself with a chunk of unused sponsorship $$, and given how PyPy is currently by far the most successful of these projects, I feel like it'd be even more awesome if we had even more representation from the PyPy core devs :-). So if any of you are interested in a free last minute trip to Austin + a chance to maybe help influence future plans and funding in a more PyPy-friendly direction, please get in touch ASAP... -n -- Nathaniel J. Smith --
... So if any of you are interested in a free last minute trip to Austin + a chance to maybe help influence future plans and funding in a more PyPy-friendly direction, please get in touch ASAP...
I'm interested and would find some time to join the workshop. Cheers, Richard
On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 3:36 AM, Richard Plangger <> wrote:
... So if any of you are interested in a free last minute trip to Austin + a chance to maybe help influence future plans and funding in a more PyPy-friendly direction, please get in touch ASAP...
I'm interested and would find some time to join the workshop.
Excellent, I'll follow-up off-list with details. -n -- Nathaniel J. Smith --
participants (2)
Nathaniel Smith
Richard Plangger