Jiwon's new __builtin__interp.py file

""" Implementation of interpreter-level builtins. """ import os from pypy.interpreter.module import Module from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError _noarg = object() import __builtin__ as cpy_builtin w_file = space.wrap(cpy_builtin.file) # import useful app-level functions from __applevel__ import execfile, callable, _iter_generator def _actframe(position=0): return space.getexecutioncontext().framestack.top(position) def globals(): return _actframe().w_globals def locals(): return _actframe().getdictscope() def _caller_globals(w_index=None): position = space.unwrapdefault(w_index, 1) return _actframe(position).w_globals def _caller_locals(w_index=None): position = space.unwrapdefault(w_index, 1) return _actframe(position).getdictscope() def __import__(w_modulename, w_globals=None, w_locals=None, w_fromlist=None): modulename = space.unwrap(w_modulename) if not isinstance(modulename, str): try: helper = ', not ' + modulename.__class__.__name__ except AttributeError: helper = '' raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap("__import__() argument 1 must be string" + helper)) w = space.wrap try: w_mod = space.getitem(space.sys.w_modules, w_modulename) except OperationError,e: pass else: return w_mod if not e.match(space, space.w_KeyError): raise w_mod = space.get_builtin_module(modulename) if w_mod is not None: return w_mod import os for path in space.unpackiterable(space.sys.w_path): f = os.path.join(space.unwrap(path), modulename + '.py') if os.path.exists(f): w_mod = space.wrap(Module(space, w_modulename)) space.sys.setmodule(w_mod) space.setattr(w_mod, w('__file__'), w(f)) w_dict = space.getattr(w_mod, w('__dict__')) execfile(w(f), w_dict, w_dict) return w_mod w_exc = space.call_function(space.w_ImportError, w_modulename) raise OperationError(space.w_ImportError, w_exc) def compile(w_str, w_filename, w_startstr, w_supplied_flags=None, w_dont_inherit=None): str_ = space.unwrap(w_str) filename = space.unwrap(w_filename) startstr = space.unwrap(w_startstr) supplied_flags = space.unwrapdefault(w_supplied_flags, 0) dont_inherit = space.unwrapdefault(w_dont_inherit, 0) #print (str_, filename, startstr, supplied_flags, dont_inherit) # XXX we additionally allow GENERATORS because compiling some builtins # requires it. doesn't feel quite right to do that here. try: c = cpy_builtin.compile(str_, filename, startstr, supplied_flags|4096, dont_inherit) # It would be nice to propagate all exceptions to app level, # but here we only propagate the 'usual' ones, until we figure # out how to do it generically. except ValueError,e: raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,space.wrap(str(e))) except TypeError,e: raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,space.wrap(str(e))) return space.wrap(PyCode()._from_code(c)) def eval(w_source, w_globals=None, w_locals=None): w_codeobj = None w = space.wrap if space.type(w_source) == space.w_str: w_codeobj = compile(w_source, w("<string>"), w("eval")) elif type(space.unwrap(w_source)) == PyCode: w_codeobj = w_source else: raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, w('eval() arg 1 must be a string or code object')) if w_globals == None: w_globals = globals() w_locals = locals() elif w_locals == None: w_locals = w_globals return space.unwrap(w_codeobj).exec_code(space, w_globals, w_locals) def abs(w_val): return space.abs(w_val) def chr(w_ascii): w_character = space.newstring([w_ascii]) return w_character def len(w_obj): return space.len(w_obj) def delattr(w_object, w_name): space.delattr(w_object, w_name) return space.w_None def getattr(w_object, w_name, w_defvalue = _noarg): try: return space.getattr(w_object, w_name) except OperationError, e: if e.match(space, space.w_AttributeError): if w_defvalue is not _noarg: return w_defvalue raise def hash(w_object): return space.hash(w_object) def oct(w_val): # XXX does this need to be a space operation? return space.oct(w_val) def hex(w_val): return space.hex(w_val) def round(w_val, w_n=None): if w_n is None: w_n = space.wrap(0) return space.round(w_val, w_n) def id(w_object): return space.id(w_object) #XXX works only for new-style classes. #So we have to fix it, when we add support for old-style classes def issubclass(w_cls1, w_cls2): return space.issubtype(w_cls1, w_cls2) def iter(w_collection_or_callable, w_sentinel = _noarg): if w_sentinel is _noarg: return space.iter(w_collection_or_callable) else: if not space.is_true(callable(w_collection_or_callable)): raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap('iter(v, w): v must be callable')) return _iter_generator(w_collection_or_callable, w_sentinel) def ord(w_val): return space.ord(w_val) def pow(w_base, w_exponent, w_modulus=None): if w_modulus is None: w_modulus = space.w_None return space.pow(w_base, w_exponent, w_modulus) def repr(w_object): return space.repr(w_object) def setattr(w_object, w_name, w_val): space.setattr(w_object, w_name, w_val) return space.w_None def _pypy_get(w_value, w_self, w_class=None): # XXX temporary if w_class is None: w_class = space.w_None return space.get(w_value, w_self, w_class)
participants (1)
Laura Creighton