ARM cross-compiler build slaves for PyPy

Dear colleagues, we are in discussion on CATI for a long time: CATI Computer Aided Trust Internet you can find some first ideas on as example: _ Now we are designing a new project, based on CATI: Computer Aided Smart & Trust Village Klein Ammensleben - CAST Village K.A. _ only in German: _ I want to use python for the implementation of the CLC – Common Language Concept. A short history: The programming languages are designed in relation to natural languages as FORTRAN, Algol, Cobol, … PL/1, Pascal, … Python. I've designed the CLC in about 1970... in the framework of the design of a CAD/CAM-solution RTV – Rechnerunterstützte Technische Vorbereitung. The CLC with Meta-language, compiler generator and the realized languages has been applied for the machine tool system ROTA FZ 200 since 1974 and some further applications. The CLC is going in the direction of Leibniz 'lingua universalis', however we have the tools today, to realize the 'lingua universalis' by using innovative computer technologies. The idea is, that each formalized natural language is Leibniz 'lingua universalis'. Our natural language is our most valuable and powerful tool! I'm interested in discussion of practical steps for realization by using Python, especially Pypy. Best regards Günther Klein Ammensleben, 31. January 2019 ICS Dr. G. Roscher GmbH Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Math. Günther Roscher CEO Am Kirchberg 6 D - 39326 Klein Ammensleben Tel.: +49 39 202 52 12 6 Fax: +49 39 202 52 12 8 <> Am 21.01.2019 um 17:55 schrieb Matti Picus:

Dear colleagues, we are in discussion on CATI for a long time: CATI Computer Aided Trust Internet you can find some first ideas on as example: _ Now we are designing a new project, based on CATI: Computer Aided Smart & Trust Village Klein Ammensleben - CAST Village K.A. _ only in German: _ I want to use python for the implementation of the CLC – Common Language Concept. A short history: The programming languages are designed in relation to natural languages as FORTRAN, Algol, Cobol, … PL/1, Pascal, … Python. I've designed the CLC in about 1970... in the framework of the design of a CAD/CAM-solution RTV – Rechnerunterstützte Technische Vorbereitung. The CLC with Meta-language, compiler generator and the realized languages has been applied for the machine tool system ROTA FZ 200 since 1974 and some further applications. The CLC is going in the direction of Leibniz 'lingua universalis', however we have the tools today, to realize the 'lingua universalis' by using innovative computer technologies. The idea is, that each formalized natural language is Leibniz 'lingua universalis'. Our natural language is our most valuable and powerful tool! I'm interested in discussion of practical steps for realization by using Python, especially Pypy. Best regards Günther Klein Ammensleben, 31. January 2019 ICS Dr. G. Roscher GmbH Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Math. Günther Roscher CEO Am Kirchberg 6 D - 39326 Klein Ammensleben Tel.: +49 39 202 52 12 6 Fax: +49 39 202 52 12 8 <> Am 21.01.2019 um 17:55 schrieb Matti Picus:
participants (2)
Dr. G. Roscher
Matti Picus