Re: [pypy-dev] I have a problem interpreting pypy functionality.

2008/7/23 Simon Burton <>:
Thanks that solved the problem, i will have to write lots of asserts. I think that this tells me that i can not continue with this: File "/home/data/diego/Desktop/Comparativa/PyPy/pypy-dist/pypy/annotation/", line 317, in ondegenerated raise AnnotatorError(msgstr) pypy.tool.error.AnnotatorError: annotation of v0 degenerated to SomeObject() v0 = getattr(terms_0, ('sort')) Happened at file /home/data/diego/Desktop/Comparativa/PyPy/ line 51 ==> terms.sort( __sort_condition ) marks = [ False for x in range(len(ones)) ] .. SomeObject() origin: <FunctionGraph of (QuineMcClusky:19)reduce at 0x889eedc> block@240 op=0 Previous annotation: (none) There was previusly a lambda function on sort, i changed that for a normal function but the error is the same. If i am not wrong that means that sorting is not supported. Cheers. PD: i recently noted that i am sending thoose mails directly to you, sorry.
participants (1)
Diego Jacobi