Failing App-Level-Test

Hi, Since some weeks in one Applevel-test is failing consitently on the buildbot: module/posix/test/ with the failure: if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
I tracked this problem down to a chicken-egg problem. The relevant portion is here in pypy/rpython/module/ # for now, check the host Python to know which st_xxx fields exist STAT_FIELDS = [(_name, _TYPE) for (_name, _TYPE) in ALL_STAT_FIELDS if hasattr(os.stat_result, _name)] As pypy is meanwhile build with pypy, relying on the host python is not a good idea. A pypy without st_rdev will again build only a new pypy without st_rdev, even if the platform supports st_rdev. As an experiment I bootstrapped pypy again with python an the error disappered # python -O2 # ./pypy-c ../../../ ../../module/posix/test/ -A ========================= test session starts ========================== platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.1[pypy-1.6.0] -- pytest-2.1.0.dev4 pytest-2.1.0.dev4 from /home/boemmels/src/pypy/pytest.pyc collected 80 items ../../module/posix/test/ ...........................................................s............ ........ ================= 79 passed, 1 skipped in 5.07 seconds ================= This bootstrapped pypy-c is also cappable of rebuilding an pypy with st_rdev enabled. But this is not a clean solution. I think the way to go is to no longer rely on the Host-Python, but use the appropiate configure magic. Something like #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_RDEV but in a pythonic way. Unfortunatly I'm not familar with pypy's configuration system so I got stuck here. Can anybody tell me how to test for available struct members like AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_rdev]) in autoconf? Regards juergen ___________________________________________________________ Schon gehört? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut!

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Juergen Boemmels <> wrote:
You should use rffi_platform for that. You can have a look at current usages. This is not only st_rdev problem, but all kinds of os module functions come from the host python. This should be fixed at some point.... Cheers, fijal

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Juergen Boemmels <> wrote:
You should use rffi_platform for that. You can have a look at current usages. This is not only st_rdev problem, but all kinds of os module functions come from the host python. This should be fixed at some point.... Cheers, fijal
participants (2)
Juergen Boemmels
Maciej Fijalkowski