I have updated the repo behind http://packages.pypy.org (forked to https://github.com/pypy/pypy.packages): - use the latest pypy3.6 (v7.1 from two days ago), which has the utf8 improvements - PyPI changed their interface, so I had to manually create a download.csv with the top 1000 packages from the last 12 months - updated the docker image to use utf-8 as the filesystemencoding so we don't get strange ascii encoding errors when reading files with unicode With these changes, we successfully can install almost all the packages. OpenCV, Tensorflow and apache-beam, which all require complicated install procedures that seem to be beyond the ability of a simple "pip install", fail, as do some python2-only packages that are still in the top 1000. Next steps: - Release 7.1 once the newmemoryview-app-level branch lands (it allows creating memoryviews of ctypes structures, passing more tests on numpy's latest version) - Rerun the repo with an official build - Update the web site.
participants (1)
Matti Picus