Hi all, When I'm running an interactive pypy-c over an ssh connection I notice that the cursor blinks a bit when I type (it can remain invisible for a fraction of second). Normal readline-style editing doesn't give this result even over laggy connections. I traced it to pypy/lib/pyrepl/unix_console.py lines 95 and 97, which are the control code for hiding and re-showing the cursor, called all the time when refreshing the display. I really don't like this, but of course it is not a concern for people whose terminal's cursor is blinking all the time anyway. Anyway, if I remove these control codes, I get quite a fine experience again. However, I'm sure this is highly dependent on the terminal and I fear that some terminals might display the cursor moving quickly around while refreshing is taking place. If anyone knows of a better solution to avoid both issues, please do tell :-) Otherwise, if you feel like it, could you please try the attached patch in your favourite terminal? No need to re-translate a pypy-c. Tell me what your experience is, running an interactive pypy-c over an ssh connection (preferably laggy). A bientot, Armin.

Armin Rigo wrote:
to avoid both issues, please do tell :-) Otherwise, if you feel like it, could you please try the attached patch in your favourite terminal?
my terminal emulator is Terminal, from xfce4. I tried to simulate a laggy connection by uploading a large file while typing at pypy-over-ssh prompt. I didn't notice any difference between the four possible combinations (patch/no patch and laggy/not laggy). ciao, Anto
participants (2)
Antonio Cuni
Armin Rigo