I am back from 1 months' raod show.

Has this list gone dead? I went to reenable mail, and it seems I never disabled it. But I have received no mail on this in a month. I would like an irc meeting with pypy people at some time. When? I am back in europe now, and mornings and afternoons are both good for me though I will be going to python-uk next week. Laura

[Laura Creighton Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 09:35:07PM +0200]
Has this list gone dead? I went to reenable mail, and it seems I never disabled it. But I have received no mail on this in a month.
Yes, i think it has been quiet. ASFAIK Christian and me dropped out for complely external reasons and for my part, i haven't read much mail at all. I hopefully recover in two or three weeks and then also intend to resume work at pypy. So i would be interested to hear the current state of affairs, too. cheers, holger

[Laura Creighton Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 09:35:07PM +0200]
Has this list gone dead? I went to reenable mail, and it seems I never disabled it. But I have received no mail on this in a month.
Yes, i think it has been quiet. ASFAIK Christian and me dropped out for complely external reasons and for my part, i haven't read much mail at all. I hopefully recover in two or three weeks and then also intend to resume work at pypy. So i would be interested to hear the current state of affairs, too. cheers, holger
participants (2)
holger krekel
Laura Creighton