Posted on c.l.p., but possibly more relevant here: ------------- Dear colleges, You might want to consider Dyla'07 as a good venue to present your work and your favourite programming language. Regards, Alexandre ************************************************************************** Call for Papers Dyla 2007: 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications July 31, 2007, Berlin (Collocated with ECOOP 2007) http://dyla2007.unibe.ch ************************************************************************** Objective ========= The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where we can discuss new advances in the conception, implementation and application of object-oriented languages that radically diverge from the statically typed class-based reflectionless doctrine. The goal of the workshop is to discuss new as well as older "forgotten" languages and features in this context. Topics of interest include, but are certainly not limited to: - agents, actors, active object, distribution, concurrency and mobility - delegation, prototypes, mixins - first-class closures, continuations, environments - reflection and meta-programming - (dynamic) aspects for dynamic languages - higher-order objects & messages - ... other exotic dynamic features which you would categorize as OO - multi-paradigm & static/dynamic-marriages - (concurrent/distributed/mobile/aspect) virtual machines - optimisation of dynamic languages - automated reasoning about dynamic languages - "regular" syntactic schemes (cf. S-expressions, Smalltalk, Self) - Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Lisp, Self, ABCL, Prolog, ... - ... any topic relevant in applying and/or supporting dynamic languages. We solicit high-quality submissions on research results and/or experience. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should not exceed 10 pages, LNCS format (www.springer.com/lncs). Submission ========== Prospective attendees are requested to submit a position paper or an essay (max 10 pages, references included) on a topic relevant to the workshop to Alexandre Bergel (Alexandre.Bergel@cs.tcd.ie). Submissions are demanded to be in .pdf format and should arrive before May 13, 2007. A selection of the best papers will be made, which will require an extension for an inclusion in a special issue in Electronic Communications of the EASST (eceasst.cs.tu-berlin.de). For this purpose, a new deadline will be set after the workshop. Moreover, Springer publishes a Workshop-Reader (as in the case of previous ECOOPs) which appears after the Conference and which contains Workshop-Reports (written by the organizers) and not the position papers submitted by the participants. Important dates =============== Submission due: May 13, 2007 Notification of Authors: May 31, 2007 ECOOP'07 Early Registration Date: June 15th. Workshop: July 31, 2007 Organisers ========== Alexandre Bergel Wolfgang De Meuter Stéphane Ducasse Oscar Nierstrasz Roel Wuyts Program committee ================= Alexandre Bergel (LERO & Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) Johan Brichau (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Pascal Costanza (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Wolfgang De Meuter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Stéphane Ducasse (University of Annecy, France) Erik Ernst (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Robert Hirschfeld (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of Potsdam, Germany) Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland) Matthew Flatt (University of Utah, USA) Dave Thomas (Bedarra Research Labs, Canada) Laurence Tratt (King's College London, UK) Roel Wuyts (IMEC & Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Hi Terry, thanks a lot for the pointer! it's indeed highly interesting and as it's also geographically close to my usual living place i'd like to co-work on submitting a PyPy paper - i think we have more than enough fitting material. holger On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 12:29 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
-- merlinux GmbH Steinbergstr. 42 31139 Hildesheim http://merlinux.de tel +49 5121 20800 75 (fax 77)

Hi Carl, On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 01:22:59PM +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
I think that it's a good place to submit a "core" PyPy paper, and I also think that your Prolog paper is independent enough to not count as another PyPy paper. In fact I'd imagine that if we were "academic enough", at this point, several of us should try to publish several papers independently on several aspects of PyPy... A bientot, Armin.

"Armin Rigo" <arigo@tunes.org> wrote in message news:20070414090553.GA20210@code0.codespeak.net... | Hi Carl, | | On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 01:22:59PM +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote: | > fwiw, I was considering to submit my Prolog paper (or a variation of it) | > there - but we can do some common planning, not sure whether we should | > submit two PyPy papers. | | I think that it's a good place to submit a "core" PyPy paper, and I also | think that your Prolog paper is independent enough to not count as | another PyPy paper. In fact I'd imagine that if we were "academic | enough", at this point, several of us should try to publish several | papers independently on several aspects of PyPy... For instance, if there is anything innovative in the JIT work, then that might make a nice paper in itself. TJR

Hi Terry, hi all, On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 07:21:56PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Now that the last-minute report writing is done - at least the technical reports - we should think about Dyla again. Remember that it is not a conference but a workshop, which as far as I understand it means that everybody is a speaker. We need to send in "position papers" - "we really think that this is the way this should be done". The obvious topics for us are "nobody should write complicated {virtual machines, interpreters, JIT compilers} by hand". Thoughts, topics? We have plenty of topics in and around PyPy, but let's keep in mind that each paper needs a "position paper" angle. A bientot, Armin.

Hi Armin, hi all, On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 20:42 +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
I hope we can re-use parts of our technical EU reports (most of which haven't been published yet at a conference). Currently I could imagine two position papers: nobody should write complicated VMs/JIT-compilers by hand interpreters should offer {security,persistence,distribution} features directly (instead of adding Application APIs) Until Friday, i am still quite busy with lots of EU finalisation issues - not sure how much i can do till then but on saturday i could be there to work/help on the paper submissions (and it's the submission deadline IIUC, sigh). best, holger

Hi, On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 08:51:38AM +0200, holger krekel wrote:
That would make sense, but of course the limiting factor is going to be who wants to write them. I have started drafting the first one, but for now I just hope I can get it reasonably done by the deadline. I don't see me helping on a second paper as well. BTW, googling "how to write a position paper" gives useful hints about the expected structure and content. A bientot, Armin.

Hi Terry, thanks a lot for the pointer! it's indeed highly interesting and as it's also geographically close to my usual living place i'd like to co-work on submitting a PyPy paper - i think we have more than enough fitting material. holger On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 12:29 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
-- merlinux GmbH Steinbergstr. 42 31139 Hildesheim http://merlinux.de tel +49 5121 20800 75 (fax 77)

Hi Carl, On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 01:22:59PM +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
I think that it's a good place to submit a "core" PyPy paper, and I also think that your Prolog paper is independent enough to not count as another PyPy paper. In fact I'd imagine that if we were "academic enough", at this point, several of us should try to publish several papers independently on several aspects of PyPy... A bientot, Armin.

"Armin Rigo" <arigo@tunes.org> wrote in message news:20070414090553.GA20210@code0.codespeak.net... | Hi Carl, | | On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 01:22:59PM +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote: | > fwiw, I was considering to submit my Prolog paper (or a variation of it) | > there - but we can do some common planning, not sure whether we should | > submit two PyPy papers. | | I think that it's a good place to submit a "core" PyPy paper, and I also | think that your Prolog paper is independent enough to not count as | another PyPy paper. In fact I'd imagine that if we were "academic | enough", at this point, several of us should try to publish several | papers independently on several aspects of PyPy... For instance, if there is anything innovative in the JIT work, then that might make a nice paper in itself. TJR

Hi Terry, hi all, On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 07:21:56PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Now that the last-minute report writing is done - at least the technical reports - we should think about Dyla again. Remember that it is not a conference but a workshop, which as far as I understand it means that everybody is a speaker. We need to send in "position papers" - "we really think that this is the way this should be done". The obvious topics for us are "nobody should write complicated {virtual machines, interpreters, JIT compilers} by hand". Thoughts, topics? We have plenty of topics in and around PyPy, but let's keep in mind that each paper needs a "position paper" angle. A bientot, Armin.

Hi Armin, hi all, On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 20:42 +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
I hope we can re-use parts of our technical EU reports (most of which haven't been published yet at a conference). Currently I could imagine two position papers: nobody should write complicated VMs/JIT-compilers by hand interpreters should offer {security,persistence,distribution} features directly (instead of adding Application APIs) Until Friday, i am still quite busy with lots of EU finalisation issues - not sure how much i can do till then but on saturday i could be there to work/help on the paper submissions (and it's the submission deadline IIUC, sigh). best, holger

Hi, On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 08:51:38AM +0200, holger krekel wrote:
That would make sense, but of course the limiting factor is going to be who wants to write them. I have started drafting the first one, but for now I just hope I can get it reasonably done by the deadline. I don't see me helping on a second paper as well. BTW, googling "how to write a position paper" gives useful hints about the expected structure and content. A bientot, Armin.
participants (4)
Armin Rigo
Carl Friedrich Bolz
holger krekel
Terry Reedy