new (documentation) infrastructure

hello pypy, if you just want to see some results of the infrastructure-hacks: jum and me hacked the previous days on various bits of the (web)- infrastructure for the pypy project. One outcome is the spawn of a new "vpath" project which encapsulates local filesystem pathes as well as versioned subversion pathes. It makes it very easy to e.g. save/load objects to filesystem pathes (or even from the svn-repo) in a uniform "expected" way. Here is a real-world Example for gathering all (previously generated) "subversion info" and the ReST-generated html from a filesystem subtree. from vpath.local import Path from vpath.filters import endswidth, nodotdir docpath = Path('/projects/pypy/doc') for path in docpath.visit(endswith('.txt'), rfunc=nodotdir): infopath = path.newsuffix('.svninfo') info = infopath.load() info.htmlpath = path.newsuffix('.html') infolist.append(info) The idea to put this "vpath" module into its own project was made possible by a new svn-concept we discovered: you can stick a property called "svn:externals" to a directory. This property contains name-url pairs. The 'name' is put into the namespace of the directory and the bound object is taken from "importing" what the 'url' points to. Thus if you want to use the "vpath" module in your project you just do svn propset "svn:externals" \ "vpath" . then subsequently on "svn up" you'll get the trunk-revision of 'vpath' - externally fetched (it needn't be in the same repo). If you modify the vpath-module (because you have commit rights) the others working on it get a diff. This makes it extremely easy to couple projects in a version-controlled way. Using this and some other fresh infrastructure we now have a "doc" item in the menu-bar of the pypy-site which should make it easy to browse documentation and spot which documents are outdated etc. The web-page reflects the "trunk" version of our "doc"-directory. If you checkin new ReST-docs then on the server-side a script will generate all information which is subsequently used from the cgi to display it dynamically. Now i have a deal to offer. If someone writes a "plugin" (or whatever) for ReST that accepts parameters and is allowed to return some html fragment which is inserted in-place (where the plugin is invoked) then i'll do a syntax-highlighted cross-referenced "source-view" of the pypy source, including presenting "document-links" to a source-file (which are configured using some svn-property like "pypy:doc"). Both projects are probably a bit of work but it would certainly help to increase the "cross-referencedness" of documentation and source code (including inlining snippets from a source-file to have up-to-date examples). Please bear with me if i messed up the web-site at some places. The messiest part definitely was to get CSS-related rendering "right". so much for now, cheers, holger

Hello Holger, Is there a standard way to write documentation attached to a source file? Should we have doc/doc_xxx.txt files just like we have test/ files for each source file Or should we have a subtree of the top-level doc/ that mimics the pypy/ subtree? A bientot, Armin.

Hello Holger, Is there a standard way to write documentation attached to a source file? Should we have doc/doc_xxx.txt files just like we have test/ files for each source file Or should we have a subtree of the top-level doc/ that mimics the pypy/ subtree? A bientot, Armin.
participants (2)
Armin Rigo
holger krekel