hi pypy-dev, just wanted to drop some information about what is currently going on with PyPy. Our last sprint took place in Amsterdam late december and since then most of us were quite busy with lots of other stuff and/or with negotiating with the European Union regarding our accepted PyPy proposal. Now the negotiations are still dragging on and we have to plan and commit ourselves for two years which is no easy task. So we are to invest all the time we can into that because we could still loose the contract. During the last three month codng mostly took place in peripheral parts of pypy, one of them a new testing framework with some surprising features but more about that later :-) These three month already feel like an eternity ... The next big challenge for PyPy is translation into low level code. We had some small breakthroughs (producing efficient low-level code for a sieve of erasthosthenes python implementation) but getting it to work for more complex programs like PyPy itself remains an open challenge. The next sprint should bring us a lot closer. Speaking of which, i guess we definitely will hold a one-week sprint before EuroPython, probably starting on 30th of June. Please mark that in your calendar. And make sure that you don't miss out yet another great python conference after Pycon :-) Btw, expect some nice report from Armin from Pycon with special respect to pypy-related topics (he promised it because us other people have to deal with EU details). I can't wait :-) There also is the idea that we try to do a sprint around Python UK 2004 in April. No concrete planning has taken place, though, because all of us were so insanely busy. If someone could help with organizing a PyPy sprint there that would be wonderful! so much, for now, have fun, holger krekel
participants (2)
holger krekel
Martijn Faassen