Hi again, so the heidelberg sprint wears off and just when you thought things were getting relaxed here is the next pypy-sync meeting invitation :-) ============================================= pypy-sync developer meeting 1st September ============================================= Time & location: 1pm (30 minutes) at #pypy-sync Regular Topics ==================== - activity reports (3 prepared lines of info, LAST/NEXT/BLOCKERS). - resolve conflicts/blockers Annotated Topics of the week ================================= Recap of discussed development areas until October ------------------------------------------------------- At the meeting at the heidelberg sprint we listed a few areas that deserve developing focus in the next time: - bringing the compiler to good state, Arre and Samuele will try to help and discuss with Ludovic. The idea is to have the compiler effort almost done before the October Paris sprint and get rid of the various temporary hacks we have around. - cleanups in various areas should be tackled, in particular - the translation driving (translate_pypy.py and friends) and - improved test/reporting support. Anything else that we want to list explicitely? Like lifting the number of Pystones? :-) Paris Sprint announcement ----------------------------------------------- We need to check what the status of the Paris sprint announcement is as it should go out this week. Topics as discussed at the end of the heidelberg sprint: - threading and GC - refactoring/translation features - start on JIT/optimizations/stackless Let's reconfirm/extend this and then make sure that we have it out by the weekend. Preparation/Moderation Next pypy-sync meeting -------------------------------------------------- There is the idea to rotate pypy-sync meeting preparation and moderation between developers. So who would like to do some preparation and the moderation next time? It would be great if we had at least 3 people who shift between them unless we just want to do alphabetical order :-)
participants (1)