... apologies for cross-posting and multiple copies! 4th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications (DYLA 2010) categories: programming languages, software engineering, computer science When: Jun 28, 2010 Where: Malaga, Spain Submission Deadline: Mar 31, 2010 Notification Due: May 14, 2010 Final Version Due: May 31, 2010 link: http://scg.unibe.ch/wiki/events/dyla2010 Call For Papers The DYLA Workshop series focuses on the revival of dynamic languages. These days, dynamic languages (like Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Lua, etc…) are getting ever more popular. This is a call to arms for academia! We need to explore the future of dynamic languages through its human aspects and technical issues. We also ought to look back and pick up solutions from existing dynamic languages (such as Scheme, Smalltalk, or Self) to be rediscovered and spread around. Goal and Topics The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where we can discuss dynamic languages and their applications. Topics of interest include any topic relevant in applying and/or supporting dynamic languages: Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript, Lua, Clojure, Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk, Self, ABCL, Prolog, and many more… Human aspects of dynamic languages, such as - empirical studies about the application of dynamic languages - best practices and patterns specific to dynamic languages - program correctness through unit testing (as opposed to types) - improved or novel IDE support for dynamic languages - use of dynamic features by library & framework developers - scripting of static application with dynamic languages - reverse engineering and analysis of dynamic applications Technical aspects of dynamic languages, such as - what features make a language a dynamic one? - agents, actors, active object, distribution, concurrency and mobility - delegation, prototypes, mix-ins, traits - first-class closures, continuations, environments - reflection and meta-programming - automated reasoning about programs written in dynamic languages - (concurrent/distributed/mobile/aspect) virtual machines - optimization of dynamic languages - multi-paradigm & static/dynamic-marriages - type systems for dynamic languages - (dynamic) aspects for dynamic languages - higher-order objects & messages - …other exotic dynamic features Submissions The workshop will have a demo-oriented style. The idea is to allow participants to demonstrate new and interesting features and discuss what they feel is relevant for the dynamic language community. Participants need to submit a 2–4 page position paper of their work in ACM, sig-alternate.cls format. At the workshop, participants will be asked to give 10-minute “lightning demos” of their contributions. Submission page is https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=dyla10 Organizers - Alexandre Bergel, Univ of Chile, - Carl Friedrich Bolz, Heinrich-Heine-Univ, Düsseldorf, Germany - Simon Denier, INRIA Lille, France - Michael Haupt, HPI Potsdam, Germany - Adrian Kuhn, Univ of Bern, Switzerland Program Committee - Tom Dinkelaker, Technische Univ Darmstadt, Germany - Johan Fabry, Univ of Chile - Matthew Flatt, Univ of Utah, USA - Stephan Herrmann, TU Berlin, Germany - Abram Hindle, Univ of Waterloo, Canada - Kasper Lund, Google, Denmark. - Michael Perscheid, HPI Potsdam, Germany - Rodolfo Toledo, Univ of Chile - Niko Schwarz, Univ of Bern, Switzerland - Peter Sommerlad, HSR Rapperswil, Switzerland - Alessandro Warth, Viewpoints Research Institute, USA - Vadim Zaytsev, Univ of Koblenz, Germany For further information, please visit our website or follow us on twitter - http://bit.ly/dyla2010 - http://twitter.com/dyla2010 Carl Friedrich Bolz
participants (1)
Carl Friedrich Bolz