another website update (design-wise)

hello everybody, just a short notice that another cleanup-update to the web-page just took place. it's still far from perfect but now the layout has been unified to not use tables (yay!). Btw, the diffs for webpage updates are not sent to pypy-svn (unless somebody screems for those). At least all layout of the page elements should now be pretty stable through all the applications we use (some cgi-scripts, roundup, moin, mailman). I think it's a good time to cleanup the doc-hierarchy because it is now nicely visible from the web :-) cheers, holger

Seems more that reasonable to expect the url of the site to be somewhere in a message talking about it. On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 01:46 PM, holger krekel wrote:
-- Nathan Heagy phone:306.653.4747 fax:306.653.4774 On June 2nd, communications was named Employer of the Year at the 2003 Canadian New Media Awards.

[Nathan Heagy Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:11:10PM -0600]
Seems more that reasonable to expect the url of the site to be somewhere in a message talking about it.
ok, If you find bugs with the web-page you can use our 'roundup' instance which is an issue-tracker. You can submit them either via a mail to with a telling subject line (and [nosy=hpk] appended to it so that i get them - if they are website issues). Or you can go do register a username there and create a new issue through the web. hth, holger

There's a typo on the first page "beeing" should be "being" Is there a place to log bugs with the web site? Are any graphics needed? On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 01:46 PM, holger krekel wrote:
-- Nathan Heagy phone:306.653.4747 fax:306.653.4774 On June 2nd, communications was named Employer of the Year at the 2003 Canadian New Media Awards.

Seems more that reasonable to expect the url of the site to be somewhere in a message talking about it. On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 01:46 PM, holger krekel wrote:
-- Nathan Heagy phone:306.653.4747 fax:306.653.4774 On June 2nd, communications was named Employer of the Year at the 2003 Canadian New Media Awards.

[Nathan Heagy Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:11:10PM -0600]
Seems more that reasonable to expect the url of the site to be somewhere in a message talking about it.
ok, If you find bugs with the web-page you can use our 'roundup' instance which is an issue-tracker. You can submit them either via a mail to with a telling subject line (and [nosy=hpk] appended to it so that i get them - if they are website issues). Or you can go do register a username there and create a new issue through the web. hth, holger

There's a typo on the first page "beeing" should be "being" Is there a place to log bugs with the web site? Are any graphics needed? On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 01:46 PM, holger krekel wrote:
-- Nathan Heagy phone:306.653.4747 fax:306.653.4774 On June 2nd, communications was named Employer of the Year at the 2003 Canadian New Media Awards.
participants (2)
holger krekel
Nathan Heagy