Hi. Help pls. Embedding PyPy in C++ but tkinter gives an error

I Embedding PyPy in C++. Everything works fine. But when I import the tkinter module, I get an error. I am compiling the code in visual studio 2019. Sample code: #include <PyPy.h>#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int res; rpython_startup_code(); pypy_setup_home("C:\\pypy37\\",1); res = pypy_execute_source("import math ; print (math.pow(2,3)) "); pypy_init_threads(); return res; } PS C:\Users\.....\x64\Debug> ./pypyrun.exe8.0 The above code works without errors. But, the code below fails. The imported tkinter module is generating an error. #include <PyPy.h>#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int res; rpython_startup_code(); pypy_setup_home("C:\\pypy37\\",1); res = pypy_execute_source("from tkinter import *;window = Tk();window.mainloop() "); pypy_init_threads(); return res; } The error output is as follows; PS C:\Users\.....\x64\Debug> ./pypyrun.exe debug: OperationError: debug: operror-type: IndexError debug: operror-value: list index out of range
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