RUMPLE'16 Call for Papers

============================================================================ Call for Papers: RUMPLE’16 1st Workshop on ReUsable and Modular Programming Language Ecosystems Co-located with SPLASH Oct/Nov, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands ============================================================================ The RUMPLE workshop is a venue for discussing modular approaches to programming language implementations, extensible virtual machine architectures, as well as reusable runtime components such as dynamic compilers, interpreters, or garbage collectors. The main goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners, and facilitate the sharing of experiences and ideas. Relevant topics include, but are definitely not limited to, the following: - Extensible VM design (compiler- or interpreter-based VMs) - Reusable implementation of runtime components (e.g. interpreters, garbage collectors, intermediate representations) - Static and dynamic compiler techniques for different languages - Multi-language runtimes and mechanisms for cross-language interoperability between different languages - Tooling support for different languages (e.g. debugging, profiling, etc.) - Modular language implementations that use existing frameworks and systems - Case studies of existing language implementations, virtual machines, and runtime components (e.g. design choices, tradeoffs, etc.) - New research ideas on how we want to build languages in the future. Workshop Format and Submissions This workshop welcomes the presentation and discussion of new ideas and emerging problems that give a chance for interaction and exchange. We accept presentation proposals in the form of extended abstracts (1-4 pages). Accepted abstracts will be published on the workshop's website before the workshop date. Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format, 10 point font, using the font family Times New Roman and numeric citation style. All submissions should be in PDF format. Please submit abstracts through Important Dates - Exended abstract submission: 1 Aug 2016 - Author notification: 5 Sep 2016 All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE), i.e. GMT/UTC−12:00 hour - Workshop: 31 Oct 2016 Program Committee Walter Binder, University of Lugano Carl Friedrich Bolz, King's College London Richard Jones, University of Kent Stephen Kell, University of Cambridge Jan Vitek, Northeastern University Christian Wimmer, Oracle Labs Workshop Organizers Matthias Grimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Laurence Tratt, King's College London, United Kingdom Adam Welc, Oracle Labs, United States For questions or concerns, please mail to matthias.grimmer at
participants (1)
Carl Friedrich Bolz