Hi all, in the last week there have been several problems with the speed site, I'll sum them up here for those not up to date. The first one was that the tests were no longer reliable, showing huge variation between runs. A possible cause was that they were running inside a VM, and it may have reached its resource limits, or even worse, that the virtual environment was causing strange behavior. So it was decided to move benchmarks to tannit, a non virtualized Xeon W3580 with 12Gigs of RAM and running a 2.6.31 server kernel. Having now results for two different environment raised the need to upgrade codespeed to the latest version (older versions did not really allow to change host). Along the way the server hosting speed was down, and the bench runs continued to stubbornly save result data against the old host. So all in all it has been nearly a week without a properly working site. It should be fixed now. There are not a lot of visible new features in this version of the site apart from minor touches (and a working multiple host implementation, of course!). For example the overview-timeline cross-integration is complete. You may now click on a data point, and you'll be taken to the corresponding revision and executable overview table. This allows for back and forth exploration of the data. That's all I think. Cheers! Miquel
participants (1)
Miquel Torres