Re: [pypy-dev] pypy-dev Digest, Vol 13, Issue 21

On 03:11 pm, wrote:
Hi Armin, I don't think it's true that using strings instead of types (or other rich objects) simplifies anything. Quite the opposite, it takes all of the complexity which must exist and throws a huge wall up to prevent anyone from understanding it without undertaking a huge amount of extra work. C is C, whether you hide the representation of its structure in a string or whether you expose that representation as objects with useful, easy to use APIs. Jean-Paul

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:22 PM, <> wrote:
The point is that using strings you can use (a subset of) C syntax. That means that you need to learn only one (and limitations) and not two ways to express stuff. I guess. Cheers, fijal

Maciej Fijalkowski, 15.05.2012 22:01:
I'm with Jean-Paul here. Moving code into strings just breaks editors, specifically formatting and syntax highlighting, and requires special support in IDEs in order to look up the declarations. It also blurs the line between output, documentation and pure code internals and makes code generally harder to analyse statically (not only for compilation). I don't think there's anything wrong with requiring declarations for external C code to live in external modules. It may seem like overhead for very small C APIs, but in most cases, even the initially small ones will grow large enough over time to require a suitable code modularisation on user side. Even just a struct declaration (including documentation) tends to take so much space that it's best kept out of the main source code. So why not go all the way to move declarations into importable modules all by themselves and do the auto-wrapping (or at least the necessary preprocessing) in an import hook? That allows these files to use any kind of special syntax, including plain C and C++ (with which the Cython declaration syntax is mostly identical but easier to read and parse, BTW, so nothing new to learn here). It also makes them available to code outside of a single module so that they can be reused and even shipped as packages in their own right through PyPI. Some people have already started doing that with Cython declarations, e.g. I think there's value in that. I'm not saying that the syntax necessarily has to be exactly that of Cython. We may eventually settle on a common declaration syntax that includes special macro declarations and maybe even additional ABI information. However, I think that Cython's declaration syntax has at least largely proven its real world applicability, so something entirely new would have to stand up against that. Also note that most major IDEs already support this syntax, specifically PyCharm, PyDev and WingIDE. Stefan

Hi Stefan, On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Stefan Behnel <> wrote:
I'm with Jean-Paul here.
...for a reason that might be unrelated to Jean-Paul's original complain: it's not like Cython gives first-class object manipulation on the result of parsing its .pyx files... well, too bad but Python is not Lisp :-)
I don't think there's anything wrong with requiring declarations for external C code to live in external modules.
I'm not against the idea of recognizing also Cython syntax extensions in the declarations, and indeed external files are a better idea than big inlined strings then. But I would also like to try out different paths. In one of them, these inline declarations would contain mostly just "#include <foo.h>" and the real header would be processed with the help of the C compiler. A bientôt, Armin.

Hi Amaury, On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <> wrote:
Another incarnation of SWIG?
...I suppose you can say so a priori. The difference is that we won't try to perform conversions for the user. Instead he gets his instances of C types as real Python objects and, if needed, needs to write conversions directly in Python. A bientôt, Armin.

Is there in the plans a Jit friendly callback mechanism (from C to pypy) for the new API? IMHO, right now callback performance in pypy is very bad (2x to 12x slower then CPython), and there is no way to do it efficiently apart from going the RPython way and retranslating all of pypy. l.

Armin Rigo, 16.05.2012 08:36:
I wasn't talking about .pyx files but .pxd files. While the first contain actual (Cython) source code, which the tool we are discussing here would want to see in a pure Python source file, .pxd files are meant to contain C/C++ declarations that the Cython compiler uses to learn about external code. (Also about C-level APIs of Cython generated modules, BTW, using a PyCapsule based export mechanism. We'd eventually like to remove the need for that with the CEP that Mark mentioned.) Here is an example: The first page or so should give you an idea. You can stop reading at the point where I start implementing the Queue wrapper class, as that's something that you would want to do in plain Python code instead. There are ways to generate .pxd files from header files as a one-shot operation, so that users can get going quickly and then start adapting the declaration to what they want them to look like when writing their own code against them. So this indirection allows them to take advantage of some ambiguities given by C.
Then take a look at some of the tools that Cython users have written to generate .pxd files from header files. I heard of at least two that use gccxml and clang respectively. Seems like Wim Lavrijsen has also started doing the same thing all over again with cppyy. SWIG also does it, but basically all on its own and without the helpful hand of a real C/C++ compiler. I would really appreciate it if there was one way to do this that everyone could just settle on and use, instead of throwing massive amounts of separate developer time on the same issue again and again, that only lead to tools that "work for what the author needed right now". We actually have a GSoC project this year that tries to get a .pxd generation tool up to a point where it becomes generally usable, based on the gcc Python plugin, which sounds like a good idea to me. There's still some time left to refocus this into something that also makes it more widely usable, outside of a plain Cython context. Stefan

Hi Stefan,
not sure where the statement "all over again" comes from, given that the tech we use for CPython-bindings pre-dates Cython by half a decade or more. Now it's just being re-used and re-implemented for PyPy in a way that fits PyPy best.
That'd be great, but we (HEP) absolutely need C++ in all it's ugly glory, and it needs to be fully automatic from the header files. W/o that ability, which we do have today for CPython, there would be no Python in HEP. This discussion seems to be mostly restricted to C. Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --, 16.05.2012 17:39:
Hmm, are you sure? Pyrex is pretty old, too. Cython's C++ support certainly is a lot younger, though. Well, anyway... My point is that there are too many ways to extract the declarations of a C/C++ API already and each of them is tied to a specific tool and thus hard to reuse elsewhere. It would be great to have a common declaration layer that these tools can generate from the one side and code can use from the other side.
Now it's just being re-used and re-implemented for PyPy in a way that fits PyPy best.
Ok, my bad then. Get in line with SWIG. ;)
I admit that I might have become a bit sloppy about all this "C/C++" repetition over time. I definitely see C++ in the loop here. Stefan

Hi Stefan,
Hmm, are you sure? Pyrex is pretty old, too. Cython's C++ support certainly is a lot younger, though. Well, anyway...
we've been parsing C++ since C++ itself was a spring chicken. I don't know when Pyrex started (and it doesn't seem to parse headers AFAICS?), but unless you tell me it was the early nineties ... The Python bindings came later for us (2002), and again, no other technology would have flown: we simply would not have been using Python today in HEP if I'd had followed any other route.
This is true and most tools are completely insufficient for all tasks as C++ parsing is hard, so everyone always settles on a subset. CLang finally changes this picture, which is why we are betting on that. Problem is inertia, and the fact that the reflection info is also used for I/O (that was its original purpose). Transitioning is painful, as not everyone here is convinced that allowing the tech to read our data be an external tool is acceptable, given that we're thinking on timescales of the order of decades, and you never know when anything not in-house goes dodo-bird or is taken private.
Not sure I'm following that one: back in the day, we tried SWIG, but that wasn't up to the task (it's much better today, but not yet good enough). The point I'm making is that I could get the original CPython extension code to work on PyPy. However, then the Python side is fast (b/c of the JIT), and the C++ side is fast (b/c it's C++), leaving the bindings to become the bottle neck and we'd have achieved very little. That same issue is true for SWIG. With cppyy, which uses libffi underneath and thus readily lifts on the work done by the core PyPy folks for ctypes, virtually all call overhead can be removed. Only overhead left are a couple of guards. However, if the C++ body isn't completely trivial, then OOO and hyperthreading happily munch those guards on the side. Iow. on a modern CPU that isn't completely overcommitted, the cost of calling from Python into C++ can be as low as the cost of calling from C++ into C++. (And it's only a fraction more if overcommitted.) That's the point of cppyy, not the parsing/extracting part. The parsing part is always an external tool. Whether Reflex, CINT, Cling, or Cython++ when that becomes available for use, makes no matter. Build it (to the same level that any of those other tools are today), and I'll add a back-end. Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --

Hi all, We started working on it a few days ago and it's already progressed well: A bientôt, Armin.

Whats the problem with cppyy? Why don't extend it rather than build new solution based on pycparser?

Hi Robert, On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Robert Zaremba <> wrote:
Whats the problem with cppyy? Why don't extend it rather than build new solution based on pycparser?
Once again the design goals are different. Note that the first mail in this thread was 15 days ago. During this time we got a working prototype. I'm sure that it would have taken us 15 days too to even figure out how to correctly interface with cppyy, not to mention that it requires a C++ compiler and --- as far as I know --- cannot handle some of the most C-specific ways headers are written, like (ab)uses of macros. A bientôt, Armin.

Hi, On Wed, 30 May 2012, Armin Rigo wrote:
right; to Robert: think (conceptually) of cppyy as "c++types". It has so far been presented in conjunction with Reflex, because the only way that it is useful for a Python programmer is with an automatic backend to fill in all necessary details. But for PyPy development purposes, the dispatch (cppyy) should be seen separately from the specification (Reflex/CINT/Cling/...) of C++ details.
Actually, with Reflex it would be a bit of a hassle (you'd have to stuff the string in a file, add the required headers, run gccxml, etc., etc.) but with CINT or Cling, you could just hand the string to the C++ interpreter, run it and have the bindings generated on the fly.
not to mention that it requires a C++ compiler
Yes, you simply can't develop something this clean and dependency free for C++. Of course, it'd work for a subset of C++, but that'd have limited use.
Oh yes it can! :) If the compiler can parse it, then bring it on. :) Now I feel like providing bindings to cpp macro's just to prove that it can be done (did so in a limited way for PyROOT; haven't bothered for cppyy yet). Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --

Thanks for clarification. I've been wondering why to dobule the work. I'm also really fascinated about this idea, and that i don't need to use separate tool. It looks really great! Thanks! -- Robert

So, when would users be able to test it? I'd like to compare the overhead with ctypes and cppyy for instance. I also wonder if I'd be able to send Python objects to the c++ domain for storage in a container (e.g. a vector). BR, Alex keskiviikko 30 toukokuu 2012 18:00:16 Robert Zaremba kirjoitti:

Hi Alex, On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Alex Pyattaev <> wrote:
So, when would users be able to test it? I'd like to compare the overhead with ctypes and cppyy for instance.
The first version is ready for testing at . Note that the goal is not to interface with C++ but only with C. In this pre-0.1-release, it supports the same things as a basic ctypes, minus all the Windows calling convention stuff. We're going to work now on non-ctypes issues like structs without a fixed known layout, macros, etc. (listed in the file). Reading just the file names in 'ctypes/test/test_*.py', I should stress again that the scale of the project is completely different than ctypes: it's meant as a minimal interface to C offering a C-like feeling, with absolutely no extra features on top. See the 'demo/' file for a quick introduction. If you already know independently Python, C, and (for this example) did at some point read "man openat" on Linux, then this code should be self-explanatory and kind of obvious. A bientôt, Armin.

Okay, i see the issue now. Basically i was under an impression that FFI was somehow a more elaborate thing... Sorry for the bother, the actual thing i need is more like cppyy, but working =) Anyways, might be actually interesting to see it work with SWIG, since it uses C-like functions to wrap C++ classes. But, as you have said, it is pre-alpha, so no SWIG as of now... BR, Alex. sunnuntai 03 kesäkuu 2012 16:28:52 Armin Rigo kirjoitti:

Hi all, I hope I did the right thing changing the subject line, though it was the ffi C header and CPython mixed source issues that got me started... On 05/15/2012 11:36 PM Armin Rigo wrote:
I see in this a general method of passing arbitrary sources to a translation system -- in this case with pypy as the invoking shell command. with now a possibly open-ended selection of file types. After C headers, CPython, ... ?? ;-) rfc2045[1] and related rfcs define the MIME way of specifying multipart data sets, with open-ended ways of specifying types, character encoding, transmission encoding, etc., and includes a simple delimiter system that permits nested quoting/inclusion implying tree structure possibilities (unlikely, but if needed) without too much judo. [1] So I'm wondering if you could see using a new command line option something like pypy -mime mime_container_file -mime optionally_another python_source You could even optionally package everything including python sources in the container file, specifying what's what in the mime headers. Also wouldn't need encoding cookies in the source bodies. Or you could just use the mime file as a top level type and encoding specification for the rest of your sources, like a typed manifest for what your pypy invocation is going to use. I am not totally in love with MIME, but I like the abstraction behind it. And it is a pretty well defined standard in common use (which solves a big part of the documentation problem ;-) I would think that using a general-purpose multipart container file type as (optional) source would help with IDEs also, making it easy to make a folded top level MIME representation that can be expanded by clicking a [+] line to invoke plugin specialized editors selected on the basis of the metadata headers in the MIME. (I guess you could do the same with any container file, .e.g. .tgz, but I suspect you'd wind up re-inventing conventions already defined in rfc2045). Further, there's no reason you couldn't define MIME parts that were just a line or two of headers, a blank separator, and some url lines pointing to files anywhere. You could include sha1 hashes or gpg signatures etc in the header section for automated security and integrity checks, specify caching and/or automatic retrieval or update, etc. etc. But you could also use MIME very minimally ;-) This would be a way to include read-only legacy files with no modifications, while specifying encoding etc in a mixed type set that would otherwise require encoding cookie mods. You could also include or refer to patch or test stuff, but you could also use single-part MIME files like typed symbolic links with only a single line of metadata, a blank line, and an url in the file. I'm sure you are already ahead of me into other possibilities. Regards, Bengt Richter

Hi Jean-Paul, On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:22 PM, <> wrote:
While I generally agree with this, I have doubts about this particular case. It seems to me that building normal Python objects to represent C types has mostly the effect of multiplying verbosity in the source by a factor of 3, and requiring the programmer to learn details about the new classes; and with very little gains because C types are, by definition, supposed to be used only in declarations and rarely in actual code (apart from C casts). I fear that down this path lies precisely ctypes. A bientôt, Armin.

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:22 PM, <> wrote:
The point is that using strings you can use (a subset of) C syntax. That means that you need to learn only one (and limitations) and not two ways to express stuff. I guess. Cheers, fijal

Maciej Fijalkowski, 15.05.2012 22:01:
I'm with Jean-Paul here. Moving code into strings just breaks editors, specifically formatting and syntax highlighting, and requires special support in IDEs in order to look up the declarations. It also blurs the line between output, documentation and pure code internals and makes code generally harder to analyse statically (not only for compilation). I don't think there's anything wrong with requiring declarations for external C code to live in external modules. It may seem like overhead for very small C APIs, but in most cases, even the initially small ones will grow large enough over time to require a suitable code modularisation on user side. Even just a struct declaration (including documentation) tends to take so much space that it's best kept out of the main source code. So why not go all the way to move declarations into importable modules all by themselves and do the auto-wrapping (or at least the necessary preprocessing) in an import hook? That allows these files to use any kind of special syntax, including plain C and C++ (with which the Cython declaration syntax is mostly identical but easier to read and parse, BTW, so nothing new to learn here). It also makes them available to code outside of a single module so that they can be reused and even shipped as packages in their own right through PyPI. Some people have already started doing that with Cython declarations, e.g. I think there's value in that. I'm not saying that the syntax necessarily has to be exactly that of Cython. We may eventually settle on a common declaration syntax that includes special macro declarations and maybe even additional ABI information. However, I think that Cython's declaration syntax has at least largely proven its real world applicability, so something entirely new would have to stand up against that. Also note that most major IDEs already support this syntax, specifically PyCharm, PyDev and WingIDE. Stefan

Hi Stefan, On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Stefan Behnel <> wrote:
I'm with Jean-Paul here.
...for a reason that might be unrelated to Jean-Paul's original complain: it's not like Cython gives first-class object manipulation on the result of parsing its .pyx files... well, too bad but Python is not Lisp :-)
I don't think there's anything wrong with requiring declarations for external C code to live in external modules.
I'm not against the idea of recognizing also Cython syntax extensions in the declarations, and indeed external files are a better idea than big inlined strings then. But I would also like to try out different paths. In one of them, these inline declarations would contain mostly just "#include <foo.h>" and the real header would be processed with the help of the C compiler. A bientôt, Armin.

Hi Amaury, On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <> wrote:
Another incarnation of SWIG?
...I suppose you can say so a priori. The difference is that we won't try to perform conversions for the user. Instead he gets his instances of C types as real Python objects and, if needed, needs to write conversions directly in Python. A bientôt, Armin.

Is there in the plans a Jit friendly callback mechanism (from C to pypy) for the new API? IMHO, right now callback performance in pypy is very bad (2x to 12x slower then CPython), and there is no way to do it efficiently apart from going the RPython way and retranslating all of pypy. l.

Armin Rigo, 16.05.2012 08:36:
I wasn't talking about .pyx files but .pxd files. While the first contain actual (Cython) source code, which the tool we are discussing here would want to see in a pure Python source file, .pxd files are meant to contain C/C++ declarations that the Cython compiler uses to learn about external code. (Also about C-level APIs of Cython generated modules, BTW, using a PyCapsule based export mechanism. We'd eventually like to remove the need for that with the CEP that Mark mentioned.) Here is an example: The first page or so should give you an idea. You can stop reading at the point where I start implementing the Queue wrapper class, as that's something that you would want to do in plain Python code instead. There are ways to generate .pxd files from header files as a one-shot operation, so that users can get going quickly and then start adapting the declaration to what they want them to look like when writing their own code against them. So this indirection allows them to take advantage of some ambiguities given by C.
Then take a look at some of the tools that Cython users have written to generate .pxd files from header files. I heard of at least two that use gccxml and clang respectively. Seems like Wim Lavrijsen has also started doing the same thing all over again with cppyy. SWIG also does it, but basically all on its own and without the helpful hand of a real C/C++ compiler. I would really appreciate it if there was one way to do this that everyone could just settle on and use, instead of throwing massive amounts of separate developer time on the same issue again and again, that only lead to tools that "work for what the author needed right now". We actually have a GSoC project this year that tries to get a .pxd generation tool up to a point where it becomes generally usable, based on the gcc Python plugin, which sounds like a good idea to me. There's still some time left to refocus this into something that also makes it more widely usable, outside of a plain Cython context. Stefan

Hi Stefan,
not sure where the statement "all over again" comes from, given that the tech we use for CPython-bindings pre-dates Cython by half a decade or more. Now it's just being re-used and re-implemented for PyPy in a way that fits PyPy best.
That'd be great, but we (HEP) absolutely need C++ in all it's ugly glory, and it needs to be fully automatic from the header files. W/o that ability, which we do have today for CPython, there would be no Python in HEP. This discussion seems to be mostly restricted to C. Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --, 16.05.2012 17:39:
Hmm, are you sure? Pyrex is pretty old, too. Cython's C++ support certainly is a lot younger, though. Well, anyway... My point is that there are too many ways to extract the declarations of a C/C++ API already and each of them is tied to a specific tool and thus hard to reuse elsewhere. It would be great to have a common declaration layer that these tools can generate from the one side and code can use from the other side.
Now it's just being re-used and re-implemented for PyPy in a way that fits PyPy best.
Ok, my bad then. Get in line with SWIG. ;)
I admit that I might have become a bit sloppy about all this "C/C++" repetition over time. I definitely see C++ in the loop here. Stefan

Hi Stefan,
Hmm, are you sure? Pyrex is pretty old, too. Cython's C++ support certainly is a lot younger, though. Well, anyway...
we've been parsing C++ since C++ itself was a spring chicken. I don't know when Pyrex started (and it doesn't seem to parse headers AFAICS?), but unless you tell me it was the early nineties ... The Python bindings came later for us (2002), and again, no other technology would have flown: we simply would not have been using Python today in HEP if I'd had followed any other route.
This is true and most tools are completely insufficient for all tasks as C++ parsing is hard, so everyone always settles on a subset. CLang finally changes this picture, which is why we are betting on that. Problem is inertia, and the fact that the reflection info is also used for I/O (that was its original purpose). Transitioning is painful, as not everyone here is convinced that allowing the tech to read our data be an external tool is acceptable, given that we're thinking on timescales of the order of decades, and you never know when anything not in-house goes dodo-bird or is taken private.
Not sure I'm following that one: back in the day, we tried SWIG, but that wasn't up to the task (it's much better today, but not yet good enough). The point I'm making is that I could get the original CPython extension code to work on PyPy. However, then the Python side is fast (b/c of the JIT), and the C++ side is fast (b/c it's C++), leaving the bindings to become the bottle neck and we'd have achieved very little. That same issue is true for SWIG. With cppyy, which uses libffi underneath and thus readily lifts on the work done by the core PyPy folks for ctypes, virtually all call overhead can be removed. Only overhead left are a couple of guards. However, if the C++ body isn't completely trivial, then OOO and hyperthreading happily munch those guards on the side. Iow. on a modern CPU that isn't completely overcommitted, the cost of calling from Python into C++ can be as low as the cost of calling from C++ into C++. (And it's only a fraction more if overcommitted.) That's the point of cppyy, not the parsing/extracting part. The parsing part is always an external tool. Whether Reflex, CINT, Cling, or Cython++ when that becomes available for use, makes no matter. Build it (to the same level that any of those other tools are today), and I'll add a back-end. Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --

Hi all, We started working on it a few days ago and it's already progressed well: A bientôt, Armin.

Whats the problem with cppyy? Why don't extend it rather than build new solution based on pycparser?

Hi Robert, On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Robert Zaremba <> wrote:
Whats the problem with cppyy? Why don't extend it rather than build new solution based on pycparser?
Once again the design goals are different. Note that the first mail in this thread was 15 days ago. During this time we got a working prototype. I'm sure that it would have taken us 15 days too to even figure out how to correctly interface with cppyy, not to mention that it requires a C++ compiler and --- as far as I know --- cannot handle some of the most C-specific ways headers are written, like (ab)uses of macros. A bientôt, Armin.

Hi, On Wed, 30 May 2012, Armin Rigo wrote:
right; to Robert: think (conceptually) of cppyy as "c++types". It has so far been presented in conjunction with Reflex, because the only way that it is useful for a Python programmer is with an automatic backend to fill in all necessary details. But for PyPy development purposes, the dispatch (cppyy) should be seen separately from the specification (Reflex/CINT/Cling/...) of C++ details.
Actually, with Reflex it would be a bit of a hassle (you'd have to stuff the string in a file, add the required headers, run gccxml, etc., etc.) but with CINT or Cling, you could just hand the string to the C++ interpreter, run it and have the bindings generated on the fly.
not to mention that it requires a C++ compiler
Yes, you simply can't develop something this clean and dependency free for C++. Of course, it'd work for a subset of C++, but that'd have limited use.
Oh yes it can! :) If the compiler can parse it, then bring it on. :) Now I feel like providing bindings to cpp macro's just to prove that it can be done (did so in a limited way for PyROOT; haven't bothered for cppyy yet). Best regards, Wim -- -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --

Thanks for clarification. I've been wondering why to dobule the work. I'm also really fascinated about this idea, and that i don't need to use separate tool. It looks really great! Thanks! -- Robert

So, when would users be able to test it? I'd like to compare the overhead with ctypes and cppyy for instance. I also wonder if I'd be able to send Python objects to the c++ domain for storage in a container (e.g. a vector). BR, Alex keskiviikko 30 toukokuu 2012 18:00:16 Robert Zaremba kirjoitti:

Hi Alex, On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Alex Pyattaev <> wrote:
So, when would users be able to test it? I'd like to compare the overhead with ctypes and cppyy for instance.
The first version is ready for testing at . Note that the goal is not to interface with C++ but only with C. In this pre-0.1-release, it supports the same things as a basic ctypes, minus all the Windows calling convention stuff. We're going to work now on non-ctypes issues like structs without a fixed known layout, macros, etc. (listed in the file). Reading just the file names in 'ctypes/test/test_*.py', I should stress again that the scale of the project is completely different than ctypes: it's meant as a minimal interface to C offering a C-like feeling, with absolutely no extra features on top. See the 'demo/' file for a quick introduction. If you already know independently Python, C, and (for this example) did at some point read "man openat" on Linux, then this code should be self-explanatory and kind of obvious. A bientôt, Armin.

Okay, i see the issue now. Basically i was under an impression that FFI was somehow a more elaborate thing... Sorry for the bother, the actual thing i need is more like cppyy, but working =) Anyways, might be actually interesting to see it work with SWIG, since it uses C-like functions to wrap C++ classes. But, as you have said, it is pre-alpha, so no SWIG as of now... BR, Alex. sunnuntai 03 kesäkuu 2012 16:28:52 Armin Rigo kirjoitti:

Hi all, I hope I did the right thing changing the subject line, though it was the ffi C header and CPython mixed source issues that got me started... On 05/15/2012 11:36 PM Armin Rigo wrote:
I see in this a general method of passing arbitrary sources to a translation system -- in this case with pypy as the invoking shell command. with now a possibly open-ended selection of file types. After C headers, CPython, ... ?? ;-) rfc2045[1] and related rfcs define the MIME way of specifying multipart data sets, with open-ended ways of specifying types, character encoding, transmission encoding, etc., and includes a simple delimiter system that permits nested quoting/inclusion implying tree structure possibilities (unlikely, but if needed) without too much judo. [1] So I'm wondering if you could see using a new command line option something like pypy -mime mime_container_file -mime optionally_another python_source You could even optionally package everything including python sources in the container file, specifying what's what in the mime headers. Also wouldn't need encoding cookies in the source bodies. Or you could just use the mime file as a top level type and encoding specification for the rest of your sources, like a typed manifest for what your pypy invocation is going to use. I am not totally in love with MIME, but I like the abstraction behind it. And it is a pretty well defined standard in common use (which solves a big part of the documentation problem ;-) I would think that using a general-purpose multipart container file type as (optional) source would help with IDEs also, making it easy to make a folded top level MIME representation that can be expanded by clicking a [+] line to invoke plugin specialized editors selected on the basis of the metadata headers in the MIME. (I guess you could do the same with any container file, .e.g. .tgz, but I suspect you'd wind up re-inventing conventions already defined in rfc2045). Further, there's no reason you couldn't define MIME parts that were just a line or two of headers, a blank separator, and some url lines pointing to files anywhere. You could include sha1 hashes or gpg signatures etc in the header section for automated security and integrity checks, specify caching and/or automatic retrieval or update, etc. etc. But you could also use MIME very minimally ;-) This would be a way to include read-only legacy files with no modifications, while specifying encoding etc in a mixed type set that would otherwise require encoding cookie mods. You could also include or refer to patch or test stuff, but you could also use single-part MIME files like typed symbolic links with only a single line of metadata, a blank line, and an url in the file. I'm sure you are already ahead of me into other possibilities. Regards, Bengt Richter

Hi Jean-Paul, On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:22 PM, <> wrote:
While I generally agree with this, I have doubts about this particular case. It seems to me that building normal Python objects to represent C types has mostly the effect of multiplying verbosity in the source by a factor of 3, and requiring the programmer to learn details about the new classes; and with very little gains because C types are, by definition, supposed to be used only in declarations and rarely in actual code (apart from C casts). I fear that down this path lies precisely ctypes. A bientôt, Armin.
participants (10)
Alex Pyattaev
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Armin Rigo
Bengt Richter
Eleytherios Stamatogiannakis
Maciej Fijalkowski
Robert Zaremba
Stefan Behnel