Re: [pypy-dev] Change to the frontpage of

Also, can you change every usage of the word 'less' on the axis of the graphs to 'smaller'. As far as I can tell, every time it is an incorrect and ungramatically usage of English. Sometimes the legend is 'seconds - less is better'. But seconds are inherantly countable, so it is incorrect English to say 'there are less seconds' -- rather that there are *fewer* seconds. Or you could change that legend to read 'time in seconds' -- because time is considered uncountable, so you have more or less time, not more or fewer time. Smaller would also work here. Ratios, however, such as on cannot be 'more or less' or 'more or fewer'. They have to be greater (or larger) or smaller. Thus we need 'smaller' here. Laura

Hi, just a quick note to Laura and the rest to let you know that I am working on the issues you raised, and expect to have everything nailed down this weekend, just in time for PyCon. Miquel 2011/2/28 Laura Creighton <>:

Hi, just a quick note to Laura and the rest to let you know that I am working on the issues you raised, and expect to have everything nailed down this weekend, just in time for PyCon. Miquel 2011/2/28 Laura Creighton <>:
participants (2)
Laura Creighton
Miquel Torres