please stop answering to all. Im not interested.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: konrad.hinsen@cea.fr [mailto:konrad.hinsen@cea.fr]
Gesendet: Montag, 27. März 2006 19:05
An: Guido van Rossum
Cc: Christian Tismer; David Salomon; Richard Emslie; Jason
Wells; John Benediktsson; kolloge@centera.de; Gerald Klix;
Stephan Diehl; pypy-dev@codespeak.net; Steve Holden;
kristjan@ccpgames.com; Mika Anttila; Tim Peters; Alex
Martelli; Fredrik Lundh; Olaf Lenzmann; bringi@snafu.de;
hannes; stackless@stackless.com;
seojiwon@gmail.com; Rodney Faragalla; matti@ccpgames.com;
Amanda Arnett; Aaron Watters; Andreas Ristow; Michael Schatz;
Chr. von Stuckrad; Mark Achtman; Dirk.Junghanns@biotronik.de;
Eike Sommer; Gerald von Tschirnhaus; Gerd Rupprecht; Gerold
Kirchner; David Goodger; Giovanni Bajo; Gustavo Niemeyer;
Hans Nowak; Harald Armin Massa; Ívar Kristjánsson ; Jeff
Bauer; blais@furius.ca; merman@snafu.de; Neal Norwitz; Paolo
Marcolini; R.-H. Schulz; Ralf Schmidt; robin@reportlab.com;
Sam Rushing; Shane Hathaway; Shane Holloway (IEEE);
skulina@simnet.is; Stefan Drees; Stefan Schwarzer; Stefan
Iwanowitsch (ISED); Ted Patrick; tmeka@gmx.net; Uche Ogbuji;
Ulli Thöns ; wonado@donnerweb.de
Betreff: Re: {Spam?} Re: Hey friends, I'm SOOOO HAPPPYYY
On 26.03.2006, at 17:10, Guido van Rossum wrote:
On 3/25/06, Christian Tismer <tismer@stackless.com> wrote:
What is it good for?
You can write algorithms in an almost Pythonic language instead of
using C. Your code will be translated into a C Python extension
module of very high efficiency.
I don't think I've ever written a C extension for
performance reasons.
I did, and I would still do it if I didn't have Pyrex by now.
However, Pyrex requires a lot of C experience for code optimization.
If Christian's PyPy offspring lets people who don't know C
write fast Python extension modules, computational scientists
will be happy.
(I've tweaked built-in objects instead. :-) I've written many
extensions to interface with existing C code though, like
UI widgets
and system calls. Does your method support this? Otherwise
Pyrex would
still be a beter tool.
I guess it's hard to beat Pyrex for that specific purpose.
However, integrating C code would be important for scientific
applications as well, so I hope Christian has thought about it.
Konrad Hinsen
Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS), CEA Saclay,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Tel.: +33-1 69 08 79 25
Fax: +33-1 69 08 82 61
E-Mail: konrad.hinsen@cea.fr