pytest news: plugins, pycon, release-separation

Hi all, as only some of you are also following pytest developments, find below some news relevant to PyPy as well i think - i plan to merge the new pytest into py/trunk next week which is an svn-external for PyPy. If you have any feedback, i think it's ok if you send it here to pypy-dev, particularly if it is about pypy-related concerns. cheers, holger Hi folks, some good news. as those glimpsing at pytest svn-commits know i am heavily working on a new plugin architecture. I am really happy about it as those also following me on my brand-new twitter account (hpk42) might guess. Around Pycon i am giving a tutorial about advanced testing topics including cross-platform distributed testing and writing plugins and i plan to talk in detail about the new and much improved ways of doing things. Here is the status: * Terminal reporting is now a nice self-contained plugin * there is a new "xfail" plugin, inspired by SimPy to mark test functions as "expected to fail" and report specially * a "poccoo" plugin for sending test failures to * new plugins for managing setup/teardown of application state, using a turns-out-to-work-great new mechanism which i guess nosetests might imitate at some point :) Regarding the next release i consider doing the following: * open two google-code projects "pytest" and "pylib" with their svn repos remaining at codespeak (where many projects share one respository - i prefer that) * move current py/test/ to its own "pytest/" root project and depend on the py lib for install. * aim to do two alpha releases, pytest-1.0 alpha and py lib 1.0 alpha (containing the rest) What do you think? I am unfamiliar with commoditized code hosting and consider using google code. I'd probably like to also have an issue tracker for pytest. Any comments/recommendations? Would someone be up for co-admining such a project? Meanwhile i am finishing up the pytestplugins branch for merge to trunk, stay tuned :) cheers & have fun, hope to meet some of you at Pycon, holger -- collaborative expert contracting: PyPy Python/Compiler tool chain: pylib py.test/greenlets/svn APIs: _______________________________________________ py-dev mailing list ----- End forwarded message ----- -- collaborative expert contracting: PyPy Python/Compiler tool chain: pylib py.test/greenlets/svn APIs:
participants (1)
holger krekel