Hi Pypy Devs! I love python so much and I am so exicted by this ambitious project! What I understand about this Project is to develop a version of python , which is written in Pure Python . SO now , i do not have C Skills but I can Develop , Tweak , Make changes to python Just in Python , Am I Right? SO In Future , it is possible that Guido himself will be developing python in PyPy ? Question : I have to use Python Or RPython? Also By doing so , We can convert Python to Any langauge of Choice , which is very interesting. I have build pypy-c with optimization Level 3 and stackless , whcih is done flawlessly. I have seen benchmarks on one of the page and now PyPy is even faster then Normal python 2.5 827 vs 810 ms on Richard Test, it is very interesting . Question : Resulting pypy-c is python 2.4.1 , is there python 2.5 Version of pypy-c avaliable? I saw a branch about it before by a GSOC student but now is that already marged ?(my version svn is 4 days ago) If that arleady marged , how can i build it to get pypy-c with python 2.5 support? Another Questions is , If i follow my Python code in RPython , Can i converty RPythonic Code to C and compile ? SO it is possilbe to convert Existing Python Projects into C (if they follow Rpython)? If So , how can it be done ? An example , i will be very appreciate . Another , i compiled pypy-c in stackless , which is faster in term of pypy-c's perfomance? normal or stackless? If theres better performance options please let me know. Also doing , what are the extra modules added with --allworkingmodules ? I am hoping in near future , i can help in this project after enough understanding . Regards, Phyo.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Phyo Arkar <phyo.arkarlwin@gmail.com> wrote:
That's possible, although far in the future. Look here: http://moderator.appspot.com/ and search for pypy.
Question : I have to use Python Or RPython?
Have to use for what? If you want to participate in PyPy project, you probably need to know a bit about rpython, otherwise no, you don't. That can be gradual and relatively painless though :) (probably better than learning C or CPython's C API)
Also By doing so , We can convert Python to Any langauge of Choice , which is very interesting.
No, only restricted subset of it, RPython.
Yes, it's merged into pypy-trunk. Download it from svn from here: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/trunk/
If that arleady marged , how can i build it to get pypy-c with python 2.5 support?
Exactly like 2.4, just use trunk.
The simple answer is: they don't follow RPython. I'm pretty sure about this. You need to rewrite them from scratch, at least in parts for that. It's not very helpful.
Another , i compiled pypy-c in stackless , which is faster in term of pypy-c's perfomance? normal or stackless?
normal, although not by much. There is also an experimental option --gcrootfinder=asmgcc which makes it even faster, but does not cooperate well with ctypes for example.
Also doing , what are the extra modules added with --allworkingmodules ?
You should have list when you start compiling. For linux machine, it's: ["_socket", "unicodedata", "mmap", "fcntl", "rctime" , "select", "zipimport", "_lsprof", "crypt", "signal", "dyngram", "_rawffi", "termios", "zlib", "struct", "md5", "sha", "bz2", "_minimal_curses", "cStringIO", "thread", "itertools"] (copy-pasted from file)
I am hoping in near future , i can help in this project after enough understanding .
You're very much welcomed to do so. Come on #pypy on IRC, it's better then mail sometimes.
Cheers, fijal

Thank you very much fijal , you have clear me up a lot of confusions.
That's possible, although far in the future. Look here: http://moderator.appspot.com/ and search for pypy.
Very interesting , Do you think it will happen in next release of pypy , next 2-3 years? As speed (pypy-c) is already reaching to that of Cpython .
For contributing Pypy and If Guido retired , pypy may be at the level to be able to continue Python development via pypy (may be one real choice).
i have some existing project which i would like to turn to C and compile . All i need to is to follow RPython right ? After that How can i compile to C ? Oh one question , what is pypy's JIT for ? And i will be joining to #pypy now. On 11/26/08, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall@gmail.com> wrote:
participants (3)
Maciej Fijalkowski
Phyo Arkar